
13 1 0

bad girls


going nought to bitch

I'll see it for a million

✩‧₊˚. ⋆˚ ༘

When the plates cleared of deserts and the goblets emptied of their drink, students began to file their way out of the Great Hall and to their separate common rooms.

After fighting our way through the crowd to bid goodnight to our friends, Mars and I began to wind and weave through the crowds towards the stone steps to the dungeons.

We cut in front of the slytherin first years who were being led forward by the house prefects, and made our way through the dungeons towards the common room. We were almost there when I jolted forward.

Turning around to see the cause of my accident, I saw a group of fellow third year slytherins pushing their way through the crowds; a few thugs, including Crabbe and Goyle.

Goyle had been attempting to push me out of his way.

"Hey dipshit," I said, taking out my wand and pointing it at him, "petrificus totalus!"

Midway through shoving a frightened looking first year, Goyle's arms snapped to his side and he fell back rigidly onto the hard stone floor with a 'crack'.

Smirking, I watched as Crabbe bent over to try and drag Goyle towards the common room with no luck, his face redeeming in the struggle.

Many people laughed, and Willow Sheperd gave me an approving nod and a wink as she purposefully stepped on Goyle's face.

"Nice work," she said as she came to stand next to me, looking down at Goyle as if he was something unpleasant on her shoe, which I suppose he had quite literally been.

I took advantage of Crabbe's disadvantaged position. Raising my wand at his backside, I said the incantation, Levicorpus!, in my head.

There was a flash of light, many people gasped, and a first year screamed.

Instantaneously, Crabbe was lifted up into the air and swung like a pendulum upside down, his robes falling over his face.

The surrounding crowd broke out into a babble of laughter, and someone whooped.

Many people paused to look between Goyle's unmoving form and Crabbe swearing loudly as he hung upside down in midair, and eventually a ring of laughing students had formed.

"What's going on here?" called a sharp voice out of sight.

A tall figure with a hooked nose and greasy black hair emerged into the circle, long black robes flapping around him. All excited chatter ceased immediately.

There goes my promise to my mother, I thought.

Snape looked up at Crabbe, who was now whimpering, with an unreadable expression. He then looked down at the motionless lump that was Goyle, and finally up at me, still pointing my wand at Crabbe.

I looked up at Snape, meeting his cold, calculating gaze with one of defiance. I couldn't tell what he was thinking; whether he was angry, secretly amused, or just irritated at having to deal with misbehaviour only an hour into the term, I couldn't tell.

"Put him down." Snape said in the slow voice of deadly calm that students had learnt to fear so much, that carried all the way throughout the dungeon.

I lowered my wand, and Crabbe dropped to the ground with a 'thump' on top of the motionless Goyle.

There was a collective intake of air from the surrounding crowd. Snape didn't avert his gaze to look at the whimpering mound, his cold eyes still pierced into mine.

"Miss Eve," he said austerely, "you have yet again displayed your disregard for the rules. Where did you learn that spell?"

"I heard it used to be rather popular, sir," I said simply, taking a step forward so that I was in the centre of the ring, "thought I might give it a go."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "I don't want another word out of you -" he looked around at the surrounding crowd, "off to your dormitories. All of you."

Snape turned on his heel and swept away, black robes billowing behind him, without another word or any regard to the grunting Crabbe, or Goyle's rigid body on the floor, and I turned back to Mars, who was giving me a thumbs up. "Well done," she said happily, "I knew he wouldn't punish you."

Me being top of the class in potions, Snape had always shown favouritism towards me. This came in useful when it came to breaking the rules, although I always felt sorry for Hermione, who was also an exceptional potion maker, but could never manage the mark I did due to Snape's enmity.

He did not give the same treatment to her, her being in gryffindor and, in his words, an 'insufferable know-it-all', but he was fairly happy to indulge my rule breaking and rudeness towards other students, for which I showed him respect, and had never so much as taken five points from slytherin because of anything I'd done.

Then again, when had he ever taken points from slytherin?

My offences had included tipping lizard spleens into Pansy Parkinson's laughing solution (causing her spider to enlarge to the size of a fist) - she had been teasing Hermione about her hair within earshot of me - and blacking Zarcharias Smith's eye in the corridor (he'd threatened Mars in the lead up to a quidditch match against hufflepuff).

Snape seemed to overlook these flat-out dismissals of the rules, instead punishing anyone of another house in the vicinity at the time of the offence; Harry was a most popular scapegoat, although he reassured me that Pansy's scream of fury when she'd felt the spider crawl onto her head was worth the week of detentions.

Crabbe stumbled to his feet, red in the face as he brushed off his robes. He glared at me and cracked his knuckles, and I simply laughed.

"Come on," I said to Mars, as a group of slytherins crowded around Goyle to try and lift him off the floor. I turned to leave with my friend.

I found myself blocked by Draco Malfoy. Malfoy was watching the commotion with his hands in his pockets and a bored look on his naturally arrogant features.

He didn't seem bothered to help the other slytherins, and was watching the scene indifferently.

"Excuse me," I said coldly, shoving past him.

"Watch where you're going, Eve," said Malfoy contemptuously, as we reached the door of the common room.

For the past two years, me and Hermione had been academic rivals with Malfoy.

We were always the last ones studying in the library at night, we earned the most points for our houses, we were top of every class.

To my delight, Hermione and I always managed to beat Malfoy by the skin of our teeth.

Mars and I made our way up to the dormitory with Willow and River. Pansy Parkinson, who was the other girl in our dorm, was with the crowd of slytherins still trying to lift Goyle off the ground.

The familiar smells of sandalwood, fresh sheets and the lily-of-the-valley in small vases on each bedside table welcomed me inside.

My trunk sat on the floor at the foot of my bed, and Milka lept gracefully from on top of the green and white bedspread to greet me at the door.

Pansy Parkinson came stalking into the dormitory as we were finishing getting ready for bed, scowling as she opened her trunk and started rifling through it, pulling out her pyjamas.

"Any luck?" I asked her, smirking.

"Shut up," she snapped, drawing the hangings of her bed around her to get changed.

✩‧₊˚. ⋆˚ ༘

A/n - Rain is such a badass omg

If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment them.

See you for tomorrow's chapter!

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