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chris travis

the light shot diamonds

from his eyes

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I met Malfoy at eight o'clock in the library the next night, to find him still hostile and cold.

I was slightly taken aback by his persistent mood, but I tried to ignore it nevertheless.

Besides, it shouldn't bother me, as we were getting through work a lot faster without all the arguing.

An hour into working, snow swirling outside the window, I put down my quill.
"I think we're done," I said, looking over at Malfoy for the first time in an hour.

He wasn't writing, but twisting the silver ring around his finger again.
"Or not," I said angrily, "if you've been doing nothing for the past hour."

Malfoy pushed the piece of parchment he had been working on in front of me without a word. I scanned through it.

I was reluctant to admit that his work was as precise and detailed as mine.

"I finished ten minutes ago," he said coldly.
"Fine," I said stiffly, "so we are done."

"Good." he said.

"Snape will give us our holiday homework tomorrow, we can start tomorrow night."
"Good." he said again, "Maybe that way we can get it done and we don't have to write to each other over the break."

I didn't say anything for a moment. I stood up, packed away my books, and then I replied, "Good."

✩‧₊˚. ⋆˚ ༘

I was thoroughly enjoying spending time with Cedric. We laughed easily, and our conversations flowed so naturally that it felt just like talking to one of my other friends.

Every since the Christmas party, I joined Cedric at the hufflepuff table at one mealtime a day to catch up with him, and I especially enjoyed the subject of his muggle studies lessons.

"You should take it next year," he said over lunch the next day, "right now we're studying muggle weapons and self defence. It's honestly so interesting."

"I think I will," I said, "you've convinced me. My mother will be pleased, she was urging me to take it this year, but I've got a bit of a cramped timetable."

"What are you taking?" Cedric asked.

"All seven of the compulsories, of course," I said, "and then... Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination. Mind you, I'm definitely dropping Divination next year."

"Good idea," said Cedric, "Trelawney told me I was gonna be killed by a giant rat, the other day."

My mouth turned up into a grin, and Cedric started to laugh. I quickly joined in, leaning my forehead against his arm to muffle my laughter.

I looked up and saw Mars wink at me from the gryffindor table, where she was sitting with Harry and Ron (who were looking gloomy), Hermione (who had her back to me and her head bent over The Standard Book Of Spells Grade Three) and Wera, who was sitting next to Hermione and turned around at Mars' gesture and gave me a small wave and a smile.

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