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lady gaga

and now I want it bad, want it bad

a love game, a love game

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"So, where is this party?" asked Fred as we left the pub.

"Good point," said Mars, "we could have it in the slytherin common room-"

"Yeah, I'll definitely come to that," scoffed Ron.

"We could do it in gryffindor tower," I said, "around eight next saturday night? I can put signs up on the notice boards in the different common rooms."

"We'll see you then," said George, as he and Fred left us to enter Dervish and Bangs.

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8PM ON SUNDAY IN GRYFFINDOR TOWER, all houses welcome.

Third year and above only


drinks and food provided, snacks welcome


Within a day of putting up this notice in the four common rooms, the hundred slots had been filled. We had to order more butterbeer in from Hogsmeade, and we ended up with a hundred and fifty bottles.

The evening of the party, entrusting the help of a couple of house elves, we decorated Gryffindor common room with a sparkling Christmas tree coated in flocking, frosted wreaths of holy and ivy, and garlands with white berries and frosted leaves that draped over windowsills, armchairs, the fireplace, and every portrait on the walls.

With Hermione's help, I bewitched the ceiling to resemble the dome of a Christmas grotto, with sparkling white glitter and frosty blue everlasting icicles hanging down.

Long wax candles and towers of cauldron cakes were placed artfully on ever surface, and the cozy armchairs now looked like they were blanketed in glistening white snow.

Mars' choice of playlist did not at all match Wera's winter wonderland theme.
"I didn't realise this was a party for hickeys and pole dancing," she said, laughing.

"It isn't!" said Mars indignantly, "I just thought the music might help to get it going a bit."

Ron had the cruel but clever idea of hanging bunches of mistletoe over ever armchair and the food table, and the rest of us happily obliged.

"What Ron," said Hermione, sneering as we hung the last of the mistletoe, "hoping Madam Rosmerta will show up, are you?"
Ron's ears turned scarlet at her words.

Ron and Hermione weren't currently on good terms due to the whole Crookshanks and Scabbers fiasco, but they had both agreed to help set up for the party; the icy atmosphere as we decorated had nothing to do with the draft coming through the open window.

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