Into The Darkness

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Sarah could not believe what was happening. She was looking at a floor that was no longer there. What was she going to do? She had to get Stacey, I mean she was the babysitter for heaven's sake. "Stacey!" She yelled down into the hole for her but she received no response. Maybe she should call the police, she thought. And tell them what exactly she wondered. "Well, you see the officer I was babysitting when all of a sudden the floor opened up and swallowed the girl I was watching." That probably would not go well, she decided. She had to act fast and she realized she was on her own. She traveled out to the garage and after looking around for a minute she found a tool belt and stuck a hammer and some screwdrivers in it. She then headed for the kitchen. She got to the kitchen and started checking drawers and cupboards. She found some nice knives she added to her tool belt, then finally she found a flashlight she stuck in the belt and snagged some extra batteries. The only thing she didn't find that she was looking for was a rope. She raced back to the bedroom expecting the floor to miraculously reappear. It was still open, and standing above it looking in Sarah kind of felt like Bob the builder. Sarah never was the brave one but she had no choice; she had to take the leap of faith. She said a little prayer to God "Please Father watch over me and Stacey Amen." and then jumped down into the hole and descended into the darkness. She was free-falling and praying she didn't hit solid ground. The fall seemed to take an eternity but in reality, was rather quick. She hit the water with a big splash. As she was under the water she started panicking, there could be anything in the water with me, so she dashed right back up to the surface. She looked around and saw land. She swam over to it and got out of the water, she was soaked and praying the flashlight was waterproof. She turned the flashlight on and thank the Lord, she thought, The flashlight worked. Brick walls surrounded her; this was some kind of huge Labyrinth; it resembled a maze. Great, she thought I would get lost trying to find Stacey and die down here. She got rid of that though it would do her no good to think like that, she said, "The heck with it." And entered the Labyrinths maze.

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