Meeting Queen Ava

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Boro says, "We have to see the Queen, Namath sent us." The Jellyfish says I am Leo I will relay your message stay here or our army will attack." The jellyfish swims off toward the Kingdom. Sarah thinks it takes around 10 minutes till someone comes but she can't be sure. All of a sudden they are surrounded by giant squids, giant jellyfish, and a bunch of octopuses. Then four giant sea turtles are guarding the Queen who walks up to Boros. The queen says, How dare you approach my kingdom, I don't care what Namath wants... What about Abe?" Boros replies, "You nasty octopus started the war, Namath finished it." All of a sudden Sarah saw the Queen light up with blue rings all over her body. All of a sudden Boro was wrapped in the queen's tentacles and pulled close till the Queen and he is face to face." You say we started your blood feast, you will be Gonda's dinner tonight!" Sarah watches in horror as the queen lunges and rips a chunk out of Boros's face with her beak, he lets out a scream and she lets him go, he immediately drops to the seafloor. The queen snaps a tentacle, six giant squid wraps the 15-foot whale shark with 48 giant tentacles. Tundra yells to Sarah, "Swim away from here now!" Sarah holds up the hatchet shaking like a leaf. Immediately she is snatched into the queen's tentacle. Ava says, "Where did you come from human? And why are you with the sharks?" Sarah can't even talk, she tries but she can only stutter. The queen grabs the hatchet with another tentacle and hands it to one of the turtles. The queen sets Sarah back on the seafloor. Sarah has no clue what to say... The Queen says, "Where did you come from, no one has seen a human here for millions of years, you went extinct when all the sea life evolved, answer me?" Sarah says, "I was babysitting a girl when a portal opened up and some Crabs took the girl I was sitting, I came through to get her and ran into the sharks." The Queen grabs something out of a pouch she has strapped to her tentacle, she places it in Sarah's hand. Sarah looks at it and looks at the Queen, "What is this?" Sarah asks. "That is a TTX pellet, it's got the poison I produce in it, you're going to go back and kill Namath with it when it's done come back to the Octo-Kingdom, and I'll get you home," Sarah says, I can't kill that giant great white!" Queen Ava says, "There is enough poison in that pellet to kill any size creature, Know go, you're wasting time, tell Namath I said he better prepare for war!"

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