Preparing For War

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Stacey ate some fish and then Hamm took her to the nursery. She was scared at first, but then this baby shark named Stripe came and talked to her. He was about 4 feet tall and had stripes all over orange and black. Stripe broke the silence, "You're a human, I'm a tiger shark, I like humans." Stacey said, "I'm Stacey, nice to meet you, Stripe." After a couple of hours, Stripe walked back over to Stacey with two other sharks. Stripe said, "Stacey these are my best buds, this is Gutz he's a Bull shark, and this here is Onyx, he's a great white." Stacey was a little scared, the great white Onyx was already like 7 feet tall, and the bull shark was around 5 feet, so yeah they made her a little uncomfortable. Stripe smiled at her, he had rows of blades in his mouth. "Can you swim?" Stripe asked. Stacey said, "Not as fast as you." Stripe grabbed Stacey and put her on his back and all four of them went for a swim. About that time Sarah was arriving back at the Shark Kingdom. She went up to The throne room, Gash and King Namath were in there along with the nastiest shark she ever saw. Namath was seated on his throne, he looked at her and smiled, then he said, "So give me your report human." Sarah said, "Well it didn't go well at all, Boros and Tundra are dead, the Queen almost killed me and she told me to tell you to prepare for war." Namath smiled at those words, he said, "You failed and cost me good sharks, I should eat you, girl!" Sarah looked at him and said, "I didn't fail, the evil queen is a stone-cold killer, she has all kinds of protection, there was no way of winning against her with two sharks!" Namath got up and walked to the ugly shark, "Slice grab Dice, and meet me in the war room." "Yes, your Majesty." Replied Slice. Namath turned to Gash and said, "Gash, get every shark we have ready, Queen Ava wants a war... I'll give her one, it will be her last!" Namath smiled and showed all his knives.

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