War Is Just The Beggining

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If Sarah would have known what was going to happen she would have given the King that TTX pellet in some of his chum. The Sharks went to invade the Octopus, and at the same time, the Octopus came to invade the Sharks. It was the biggest battle in the open blue, except nobody thought about the underground Shark Kingdom coming into it. Well, Sarah and Stacey had no clue.

Sarah saw the Octo Army and was about to run the other way, but she wasn't going to leave Zipper, he was becoming her buddy. Sarah could also tell that Stacey was attached to Stripe, Gutz, and Onyx. So everyone stayed and battled. Both Kingdoms lined up across from each other, just like the humans did in the ancient wars. King Namath and General Gash went down to the middle to meet with Queen Ava and General Gonda, Sarah looked at Zipper and said, "I'd love to know what they're talking about." Zipper laughs and says, "You already know... It's all about power and control." Sarah thought yeah you're probably right. After about 10 minutes or so the Kings, Queens, and Generals returned to their parties. Sarah was never more scared in her life, this made her feel like you were fighting alongside Titans. It happened so fast, Sarah saw the King's sword go out and every shark charged. Sarah was scared of Queen Ava, so she wasn't charging fast, she was staying behind Zipper. Sarah looked around for Stacey, she was with Onyx, Strife, and Gutz. Blood splashed everywhere, and sharks and octopuses were all over each other. Sarah noticed General Gash taking out a squid, both sides were taking collateral damage for sure. Then everything changed, Sarah noticed them coming out of the trench a little way up from the Battle, Zipper did too thankfully. Zipper shouted, "Watch out, Underground Shark Kingdom!" Sarah counted around 5 Great Hammerhead hulking figures, that was just the start. Onyx got to Sarah and said, "Get on!" Sarah didn't hesitate. Onyx and most started retreating... Sarah was looking back and noticed a monster Shark, which reminded her of a Giant, it was so big. Sarah noticed Stripe and Stacey were in front of her so she felt relieved. Sarah thought the war was over, but it had just begun.

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