I keep my head down
Hoping I won't be noticed
Luck's not on my side today
I'm shoved into the lockers
My books are thrown to the floor
"Haha, look at Dawn. She's gonna cry."
One of my bullies shouts
Everyone laughs and I just want to vanish
The bell rings and everyone hurries away
They don't want to be late or they'll get detention
I don't even care anymore
I pick up my stuff and head to class
I sit at my seat, I was late
I have detention today
Detention, when it wasn't my fault
The teacher stalks up and down the rows
I constantly pull on my sleeves
I want to cover the cuts on my arms
The pinkish-white scars that litter my skin
There must be hundreds
She sees them anyway
"Dawn, I need to see you later."
Detention finished and everyone ran out
Except for me
She keeps me here while she calls my parents
She tells them to get me help
No one can help
But it's nice that someone cares
Maybe not enough
She ends the call and tells me I can leave
She doesn't say anything
Nothing that could help
Not that it would anyway

Hoping For Relief (Book 1 of the Dawn Chronicles) ➽ COMPLETE
PoetrySynopsis by @NeverTrustAnAuthor ____________ You'll see the scars across her arms and you'll grimace. You'll think of the blood she must have spilled and your stomach will turn over with nausea. But what you won't notice, what no one ever no...