No one can fix me...
No one will care that I'm gone
They'll be happy
"No more Dawn to annoy us now."
They'll be proud
They fulfilled their task
Of kicking me away
Just to further their wants
That's why I stare at the bottle,
The bottle of pills that will end it.
I pour them in my hand
I just want to die!
People flash through my head
Reminding me that people love me
Not many, but a few
My mom, my dad, my baby sister
They love me,
But do they?
I can do it!
I can end it!
But can I really?

Hoping For Relief (Book 1 of the Dawn Chronicles) ➽ COMPLETE
PoésieSynopsis by @NeverTrustAnAuthor ____________ You'll see the scars across her arms and you'll grimace. You'll think of the blood she must have spilled and your stomach will turn over with nausea. But what you won't notice, what no one ever no...