Zelo the Badboy

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So I just got really into Korean related things, dramas, songs, idols just to name a few.... This made me want to write about a fantasy I had about Zelo from BAP. Why? Because he's worth it. HAHA corny I know.

Enjoy babies!
PS: I decided to name the lead girl Park Ailee [ yes the singer cause I like her :P ]



First day of school for me. Not nervous, rather excited actually. Learning in Korea after years of schooling in Singapore. Gonna be a different experience. I would expect to find bullies. After all, what school is a school without bullies right? Okay. It's fine. Gonna be fun. Calm down and act normal. Wait normal? I don't exactly blend in. I don't look Korean at all! They'll judge me. Aish, be cool Ailee.

I took my first few steps into the school. So far, so good. Until I went into class. All eyes on me. Shit. I stood beside the teacher waiting for her to introduce me to the class. But apparently she wanted me to do it myself. "Hello, my name is Ailee. Hope to get to know all of you better" I began introducing in English and ended with a smile.

They stared at me as if I did a crime. THEN it dawned on me that I was not supposed to speak English to them. "Ah! Yong suh hae jo. Je ireum eun Ailee imnida. Annyeong Haseyo![Please forgive me. My name is Ailee. Hello!]" I corrected myself.

The whole class started laughing at me. Ugh, even heard some students mocking me for being foreign.

"You may take your sit behind the blonde boy over there" the teacher instructed pointing at an empty table.

I made my way to my seat. It was just nice, right beside the window so I can stare outside when I'm too tired studying. Studying really isn't my thing but I do it when I have to. Beside me sat a pretty looking girl with luscious long hair. It reminded me of my own hair(which I dyed brown). Nobody needed to tell me that it was one of the popular girls in school. She had double eyelids and big round eyes. Also, on her table was a mirror which she just wouldn't stop staring at until she found me staring at her. I quickly diverted my attention to the teacher. Lesson was productive but received homework on my first day. Sigh.

Lesson ended. So I decided to just stare out the window. I wanted to make friends but I usually wait for people to talk to me first. heh. I was lost in my thoughts until I hear the girl beside me talking to her, I assume, mates. I heard my name being mentioned so I guess I should eavesdrop right?

"Hey how about we play with her" said Ji Yeon the pretty popular looking girl.

"Who? Ailee? Really?? It's only her first day" One of her mates whom I must say looks exactly like Ji Yeon herself, said.

"You guys are no fun. Ah let me talk to my babyboo" JY replied and walked over to the table in front of me. "Zelo yah.. What do you wanna do after school? Get ice cream? I saw this really pretty skirt at the mall. But I ran out of cash the other time" she pouted.

"Don't worry babe. I'll get it for you later" Zelo replied stroking her hand. Apparently his nickname is Zelo. What an alien name. I don't think his parents would want to name their child that.

Ah, so this two are lovebirds. Okay, stay away from them if you don't want drama Ailee~

Next lesson, Chemistry. Guess who my partner is. Yep. Ji Yeon. That psycho egocentric girl who's going to get a skirt bought for her just like that after school. I can get through this unless she decides to pull some stupid stunt. I hope she's as smart as she looks pretty.

Lesson started. We were given a paper with instructions on how to carry out the procedure. Okay easy enough. I'll just do the first half and she'll do the second. I handed the tubes to her to finish up and wrote down my answers.

BAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM (thumbs up for epic explosion)

The chemicals exploded right in our space.

As soon as it exploded, I took it from her hands and threw it into the sink. It was burning my hands. JY was shocked out of her wits. She fell from her seat.

"Yah! Ji Yeon-ah! Gwenchana?!!" I yelled as I wrapped my hands with a towel and bent down to carry her. I was strong enough. The teacher instructed me to bring her to the nurses office. So I did. I handed her to the nurse and requested for her to take care of her. I waited by the side.

"You seem to be injured. Wait here." she said and came back with a bandage and some ointment. She took care of my hand. It was still stinging though. As for JY she wasn't wounded. She was just traumatised from the incident. The nurse told me to bring JY back to class. She held on to my hand while walking. A little awkward, I know.

The class greeted us with questions. Some even laughed. I placed her at her seat and soon her table was crowded with what seem to look like fans. All bugging her about the incident. One girl turned to me and said "YAH! Why were you so careless?? You see what you caused?"

I was insulted by that. Apparently they thought I had my hand wrapped because I was the one handling the chemicals. But I can't argue no further. I had to calm down. Zelo just gave me a dirty look. That's right. I'm a pushover. I can't even speak up for myself.

Break time

I bought myself a chocolate milk and sat on the rooftop. I didn't feel like eating because ONE I have no table and no friends TWO my hand was still in pain and THREE everyone kept looking at me strangely. What? Because I hurt the precious princess of the school?

Oh well. Remembering how my mum scolded me for being stupid and always letting people step over my head, I let out a tear. I was angry. I hated when people pushed me around. I hated people misunderstanding me. I hate being called stupid. Not a lot of people were at the rooftop so I thought it was okay to cry. I run my fingers through my hair and wiped my tear-stained face on my top.

I thought I was alone in that corner when suddenly a handsome looking guy walked my way. I quickly wiped whatever tear was left on my face and stare at the boy who was now staring down at me.

Who is it?

Zelo the BadboyWhere stories live. Discover now