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I turned my shower off, getting out and wrapping myself in my towel. Trying to distract myself, was actually working. A smile was brought to my face as I thought about seeing my brothers again.

A call interrupted, seeing zario's name pop up.
"we just landed, and we are eating right now so let me know when you are here." He said once I picked up.

"okay i'll be there in a bit." I said ending the call and placing my phone back on the counter as it charged.
I quickly put on lotion and put some black flare leggings and a white crop top. Deciding on leaving my hair down, i blowed dried it. I also put on a bit of makeup before Finally putting on some deodorant and perfume.

The weather today was sunny and a bit windy which i personally think is one of the best weathers.

I called Zario and told him I was right outside the airport once I got there.

"Hey Z." i smile hugging zario. I haven't seen him in months. "hey lil sis." he murmurs hugging me back with a huge smile on his face.

"hashtag, forgotten." i hear nicholas say sarcastically. I roll my eyes as i make my way towards him.

"heyyy sis" I Wrap my arms around nick and he rubs my back. His scent lingering as i pull out of his grip.

"im driving." Zario says after putting their suitcases in the back and running to the drivers seat. Me and Nicholas look at each other before running.

"i didn't even try, i was letting you sit there." he mumbles rolling his eyes.

"yeah sure." I laugh rolling down the window.

The fresh air blew my hair back as we drove to my house. My house wasn't so big, nor so small. it was perfect for me. I lived with nobody, though my brothers crashed there whenever they wanted to, and i didn't mind. I even decorated both their rooms.

They have an apartment together, what i'm saying is basically you can't separate these two.

"we should go out tonight." Zario mentions looking over to us, before focusing back on the road.

I scoff, "you guys just got back."

"pretty please." Nicholas whines like a little kid.
I look over to him and he gives me a frown that literally looks like an emoji.

My lips form a smirk, before i finally agreed. "as long as one of us stays sober."

"deal." nick flashes me a smile before the car turns into a stop.

I got out the car and got my keys out opening my front door. The door opened and I walked in as Nicholas and Zario followed behind.

"i'm gonna order pizza." Zario slumps down onto the couch and pulls out his phone motioning us to decide on what.

"obviously pepperoni?" I not so sarcastically say, as i walk to my room.

Zario hates pinapple on pizza , nicholas loves it, and i infact do not care, but add black olives and i will fucking cut your throat off.

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