UA Sports Festival

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A/N: replace Iida with Y/N in this opening if you want, I think it would be cooler.

The first incident happened in Ching Chang City, on the island of Japan. A extraordinary child was born, that radiated light. After that reports of people people with superpowers popped up all of the global, no one knew what was causing this. The world soon became a superhuman society, was about 60% of people inheriting a superpower. Look like scenes from comic books, City School of chaos and confusion. A new profession dominated the world, it was an age of heros.

Reporter: up next, a update on yesterday's news at the hero training facility. We are heroes and training was attacked by villains, according to new police officials. The villains called themselves the league of villains. Investigators have reported this group has been plotting to kill the number one hero, all might for some time now. It's the spring of this year, police arrested 79 villains at the scene. But the leader has escaped, is whereabouts are still unknown.

Detective: are investigators are trying to figure out everything they can about the so-called League of villains, we've made some progress but we can't find anything about this Shigaraki so far. We searched our records for males in their twenties or thirties with some type of disintegration quirk, but so far we've come up empty. Same with this Kurogiri fellow. So they're not citizens or they're using aliases, hard to locate either way.

Blood hero: so what you're saying is we don't know anything.

Jessie: We gotta track em down, I shot the ring leader but once he heals up he'll probably try something like that again. What a pain.

Toshi: didn't seem like the type. The attack on the USJ was too old, no seeing adult whatever attempt to do so. The ringleader kept monologuing about the the reason he was there, and bragged about NOMU'S many quirks. But he never said a word about his own powers, when things didn't go his way he was physically upset. Violently scratching his own neck to the point it was bleeding, like he was going to throw a tantrum like some child. I guess ragging about his quirks really was a quick way to draw me into the fight. On top of that you also brung up the fact that he was made from the Germa 66 kingdom, what also worries me is the reports about some of the villains injuries. One of the villains had a broken Jaw, crushed kneecap, and 6 broken ribs. Thankfully it's just one of them, but it's still noteworthy.

Detective: there were 72 villains that were arrested during the aftermath of the USJ attack. They were all  small Time thugs that usually hang around back alleys, what worries me is that this man child got them or to follow his plan. They viewed him as a real leader, criminals are starting to feel more pressure now that there are so many heroes.

Jessie: I guess that makes sense, there's plenty of people out there looking for a cost to get behind. So what can we do to stop them.

Detective: well it is things to you heroes that we have the time to devote ourselves to this case, will expand or investigation and continue searching for the perpetrators that planned this attack.

Nezu: a man child huh, in some way he shares common ground with our students. And like our students I suppose it's possible that someone is guiding. Trying to nurture his mouth and villainy.

School was closed day after the league attacked, I think they wanted us to have a little break. But it was pretty tough to relax. Not for Y/N Though he was training like usual.

Y/N's Mind: Doing practice kicks on a punching bag, while thinking about the USJ attack. I thought I could leave that terrible nightmare behind, but everywhere I go I still see them.

Two kids with blue and green hair beat up on a small Y/N.

Young Y/N:  looks at his father who is walking  a small girl with pink hair.  Dad... Help me.. please.

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