Midoriya Y/N and Shigaraki

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Picking up where we left off

Tornio: That's it, keep One for All flowing though out your entire body. Think you can move around while maintaining this. Than you'll be on a completely different level then you were at the sports festival. So kid... Think you can handle it? Pulls out a stop watch. We'll begin with 3 minuets.

Izuku: Okay for what?

Tornio: That's the amount of time you have to hit me with a smash. After stretching he jets himself off the ground. Jumping around the room. And kicks Midoriya in the the back of the head. Pathetic. If you can't even hold your own against an old man, how are you protect those who are in need. Someone praised by the symbol of peace himself should be able to complete this challenge easily with no sweat. Kicked him in the back of the head five times during that one sentence.

Izuku: One for al- Midoriya was kicked in the face stoping the steam from coming out.

Izuku's mind: I need some time to get it going through my body again, a single head from him doesn't pack much power. Slides over a table avoiding a kick to the neck. But fast to follow with my eyes, come on! I just need a few seconds! Dives under the sofa. THERE!

Torino: don't be stupid, I can still see you. If you're trying to buy time, it won't work! He makes a turn towards the sofa that flies at him. What the?

Izuku's mind: NOWS MY CHANCE!
One for all he jumps off the ground with his arm held back FULL COWLING! He throws it forward. Izuku's hand rockets forward a making his hand vibrate and shake just from the air palm alone.

Torino: Almost, dodging out of the way. You already tried getting me like this before remember kid. Diving at Midoriya from the back.

Midoriya was able to jump above Torino and why did his arm back for an actual punch, throwing the punch forward making a perfectly fist sized shape ground beneath him. Torino was able to dodge this as well and punch Midoriya Into a wall.

Torino: clicks his stop watch. Your times up.

Izuku: Aw.. man sits up right. It's hard to keep it going like that. I guess I still have a lot of work to do.

Torino: Nice work, you managed to attack me while I have my down thanks to your analysis. You must have been a lot of time thinking about strategy and how to fight, you've already grown since yesterday. And this will just first actual go at it since using your One for All. Wipes his blood off his cheek.

Torino's Mind: It's been a long time since I actually had the Dodge in attack, this kid might just turn out to be a real monster.

Torino: All right no time to rest, let's keep training.

Izuku: Yeah please what's next sir. Stands up straight.

Torino: very important, we haven't had breakfast this morning. So why don't you go heat up those pastries again. Looks at them on the floor.... THEY'RE ALL RUINED!!

Izuku: I'M SORRY SIR I'LL GO BUY SOME MORE! Runs out the front door. I still got a long road ahead, but I can see where I'm going. And one for all full cowling, that's the next step of making this power my own.

At Uraraka's agency.

Uraraka/Pros: RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT. the 4 heroes are punching the air.

Skeleton man: don't just go through emotions, let's make sure you're focusing on each individual punch. Remember the most important thing, is your basic physical strength.

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