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Today while coming home from tuition, I saw a boy--- he had white pale skin, wavy hair and sharp jawline. He literally looked like a prince. I swear I drooled on him today. Kkk! I hope to meet him once again *giggles*

Anyways do comment how was this chapter. Next chapter will come soon💜


Taehyung was sitting on the chair with a bucket of vanilla ice-cream on his lap which he was eating taking one spoon at a time and glancing at the male infront of him in between. "Um i have enough time for you so carry on wasting my time, Mr min but if atlast i didn't get a valid reason then I will surely give you a sweet treat on wasting my valuable time-- umm! It's so tasty! Wanna have one bite Mr min?" Taehyung asked when he showed his hand with a big spoon of ice cream.

"No? Okay fine. Btw why aren't you speaking? I thought you were savage but anyways---- we don't got anything between us Mr min. Just i have few questions and then you can leave peacefully." Taehyung whispered the last sentence, his smile left his face long ago. Yoongi was amazed. He felt like the other have a dual personality unlike Jeon. Jungkook doesn't have any other personality. He's cold and calm but Taehyung is completely different.

Yoongi raised his head now. He was recovering from the shock he received, nothing else. Min Yoongi wasn't scared but at the same time he knows he was. "You're indeed a good actor, Kim. But you know what? i don't give any shit even if your bullet goes into my head and i fall down dead. And you know why? Because I know something which nobody knows." Yoongi proudly smirked now sitting on the chair infront of the CEO who was curiously looking at him with a slight smile.

"Oh wow! Mr min, come on tell me then. We should be partners instead of enemies right? Your enemy is my enemy too so in one way we should be friends." Taehyung exclaimed as he handed the ice cream bucket to Jimin who was standing there for long. Yoongi smirked "and what would I get if i tell you?". Taehyung chuckled almost immediately on the greedy man infront of him. "Maybe I will continue the deal with you even considering the fact that your fucking sister slut shamed me." Taehyung said and chuckled bitterly. Yoongi's eye sparkled hearing that the deal is still ongoing. That means profit and profit.

"Fine but i have another thing to ask for." Taehyung raised his eyebrows. He was curious to know though so he let Yoongi to continue. "Go on." Taehyung said in a monotonous way, shrugging his shoulder a little.

"Nothing much! I need 10,000$ in my account today only." Yoongi explained with a blank face. Taehyung didn't get bothered hearing the amount though but the greediness of Min Yoongi amazed him. The thing Yoongi didn't know that he was dealing with the most naughtiest man ever. Taehyung grinned showing his beautiful boxy smile which made Jimin scared. Now he was sure Taehyung got something in his hand.

"Anything else you want, Mr min? Because once i will start talking, you can't interrupt me." Taehyung's deep voice was no joke to anyone. Yoongi didn't really recognise Kim Taehyung properly and but surely he will today.

"No i don't have anything more to ask for." Yoongi remarked, settling on his sit more comfortably, waiting for the other to continue speaking. "Well then Mr min, i got two conditions against you now-

First take 10,000$ today and see your sweet sister die infront of you and second spill the truth you're hiding and go back without asking for anything like a fucking beggar." Taehyung said with a clear smirk on his face when he saw Yoongi's smug faced now totally looked gloomy. He was sure it was enough to actually make min Yoongi understand who Kim Taehyung really was.

"Choose one, Mr min. You never got more time you know? It's just me who thought to waste my time on you. Now come on, someone else have a meeting with me. Don't waste my time." Taehyung boringly said, yawning after the last sentence. Everyone is so fucking boring for him. Nobody ever got ahead of him. Maybe others were dumb or he was too genius for them.

"I choose second option. I don't need money. Let my sister go." Yoongi said with his calm voice but his teeth was gritting against each other. His sister is someone who is too much precious than anything else. But what Kim Taehyung did by caging his sister is too wrong. He will have to pay for it. Taehyung giggled nodding his head.

"Jungkook is Jeon Dongyun's biological son." Yoongi said closing his eyes, finally revealing the truth which he was hiding. Taehyung's mind diverted completely towards the new information he just now received. So that mansion was actually Jungkook's? But Lia told him that Jungkook was trying to find his father to kill him but if Dongyun lived in the mansion, Jungkook wouldn't have take him... No no something was missing.

Taehyung looked at the male infront of him while his hands was resting on his chin "Okay fine! Leave now. And btw your sister is not under me." Taehyung said with a teasing face. He is the master of fooling people just infront of every evidences. Jimin couldn't help chuckling out loudly at the statement. Yoongi's eyes turned red. He slammed his fist on the transparent glass table and stood up, ready to barge on the other "what you mean you don't have her?" Yoongi asked. He couldn't hold himself anymore. Enough of it! This Kim Taehyung was making fun of him which nobody ever dared to.

"I mean I never caged her. I don't know where she is but i have a feeling--- your sister is under Jungkook who--- umm might have killed her?" Taehyung questioningly said. "KIM! WATCH YOUR FUCKING MOUTH." Yoongi shouted at the top of his voice but Taehyung didn't even flinch too. He broke out laughing out loud. "Calm down my son! You think Jeon Jungkook will leave you knowing you kidnapped his husband? Ah ha nope! Come on Mr min, you're smart enough to know that your sister already stepped herself in danger. Even though I am here but i can say Jungkook is not less than an animal now. You fucking don't know what he can do right now. You triggered the wrong one. So --- best of luck?" Taehyung uttered with a glint of tease in his voice even though he was dead serious. Not that he cares if Jungkook kills Jennie. He would never care.

Yoongi immediately rushed out of the office room, slamming the door loudly. Taehyung giggled out loudly by watching the scene infront of him but soon his Giggling stopped. He looked at Jimin with his dark eyes making the other nod his head understanding what the CEO was indicating at.

"He arrived. Make way for him, Jimin." Jimin nodded and left out too. Taehyung watched Jimin walking out. His one hand was playing with the glass ball on the table and the other was tapping the glass table as his dark eyes darkened more. It's time! Time for the revenge! Time to free his mother...


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