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Ohh i am late ik... I was busy and mostly in tension.
Please cope up with me... Thank uh! 💜


Jungkook raised his head sitting at the same position as he looked straight at Dongyun's eyes who raised his eyebrows at the other.

"Shoot and see your every store room blast in fire infront of your eyes."

Dongyun's eyes frowned in confusion. Jungkook smirked as he stood up, now patting his black jeans because of the dust. Jungkook chuckled lightly looking straight at the other again. He fixed his coat and glance at his doll once more before continuing speaking.

Flashback -

"Master, what will we do now?" Tiren asked as he saw Jungkook looking out of the window. His hands were placed on his chin as he rested his arms on the window of the car. The night was peaceful. It was almost midnight and the street was quiet enough to hear the tiptop sound of the falling rain. The weather seems pretty good as he remembered his doll's face standing on his balcony and feeling the wind. He just wanted his doll back at any cost.

"Call Yunjin." Jungkook whispered, mind roaming somewhere else. He looked calm and composed despite the fire burning inside his whole body. Tiren nodded immediately as he dialled the number of the guard who was incharge of looking after Yunjin.

After few seconds the call was held by a guard.

"Give the phone to noona." Tiren asked the bodyguard who held the phone. Well, Yunjin and he used to be close and he was just like her younger brother but everything changed when he get to know that Yunjin betrayed the mafia. Being a trusted right hand of Jungkook, Tiren hated how the other betrayed Jungkook.

The bodyguard nodded, as he handed the phone to the tied lady, sitting on the floor, head downcast. Her husband was taken god knows where. She begged Jungkook's men to take him to the hospital but nonetheless no one listened to her.

Tiren also handed the phone to Jungkook who grabbed it almost instantly. He changed his tone as he started speaking.

"Yunjin! You know where are the drug houses right?" Jungkook asked as his voice didn't even tilted a little. He was sure Yunjin know about it. On the other side, there was no response and Jungkook hated it when no one pays attention to him.

"I asked you something, Yunjin. Where are the drug houses of Jeon Dongyun?" Jungkook closed his eyes, calming himself from busting out. His doll needs him and he got no time begging the other. He have to use other ways if Yunjin gets hard to get.

Finally the other spoke with her shaky voice as if she was sobbing for hours. Well she was!

"Grundge road, apartment 2b is his, Silthouse - A5 roadside another drug house of his containing 55 sacks of drugs." Yunjin spilled. Her voice was straight with no shutterings and hesitation as if she wanted to say the truth. Jungkook knotted his eyebrows.

"Are you telling the truth?" Jungkook asked, voice cold as usual. But he got to hear a little chuckle from the other side as a reply. "You said you believed me once. Give it a last chance. I won't make you disappointed this time, Master." Yunjin said, clear enough that she was trying not to cry out loud. She loved Jungkook as a brother, cared for her but she couldn't forget for what she was been send. She couldn't forget she was a spy and needs to work as it only. Though she saved Jungkook most of the time by providing wrong information to Dongyun.

Jungkook sighed as he stretched his forehead with his hands. "Whatever you did right now by helping me won't cover the fact that you betrayed me. And don't worry, your husband was send in the hospital." Jungkook informed before cutting the call and handed the phone to Tiren.

"Set 20 minutes time bomb to each of the drug house. Till i inform you don't cut the bomb. My husband is my first priority." Jungkook said, his Stern voice made other to instantly respond as 'Yes master'.

Flashback ended-

Jungkook fixed his earpiece as he looked over his watch. "5 minutes left and your treasures- boom!!!"  Jungkook excitedly said, cracking his muscles before looking at his so called father again.

Dongyun's legs were shaking as the gun fell from his hand. Reality hit him. Those drug sellers will kill him if he couldn't see the drugs by today.

"How many times will i tell you dad that i am always five steps ahead than you?" Jungkook asked, his calm voice indicate danger. Dongyun gulped hard.

"Oh you shoot my doll right?" Jungkook asked, glancing at his doll's unconscious state again and the part of his thigh which was covered with blood and burn mark. Jungkook gritted his teeth, taking out his own gun and bang...

A bullet pierced right through the other's side of his stomach. Dongyun fell on his knees as he held the side of his stomach. "How's the pain? Sweet right?" Jungkook asked as he came forward towards his dad. The guards from back panicked as one of them banged a bullet in the air with his shaky hands which caught the Mafia's attention.

Jungkook turned back, looking at the shaky hands of one guard holding a gun towards him. Jungkook laughed out loud as he looked at Dongyun who raised his head to look infront with his pained expression.

"I think your men didn't understand. Should I make them understand, my dad?" Jungkook mocked, fixing his earpiece with one hand. Dongyun raised his hands as if he was saying the guard to put his gun away which the guard did almost immediately..

"That's like a good dad!" Jungkook said, as he walked backward towards his doll. Jungkook's eyes softened immediately looking at his doll's state. He caressed the other's cheeks with his fingers, wiping the blood on his face most probably caused due to harse slaps. The imprints of five fingers were visible on the other's cheeks. Jungkook's eyes became a little teary. Then his eyes went towards the other's tummy. Jungkook placed his hands softly on the idol's clothed stomach. "Hey beany! It's me, your dad!" Jungkook whispered, face close to the other's stomach, chuckling a little between his emotional state. He softly leaned towards the idol as he placed a moist yet soft kiss on the other's forehead.

Jungkook turned around, eyes showing the lost passion of destroying someone completely without thinking of anything else.

"I know you hate me, but why my doll? You could have directly kill me but why did you hurt my doll? I thought to leave you but as soon as i hear you are trying to threaten me by using my own child's name, i just thought of one thing --- you know what is it, dad?" Jungkook paused as Dongyun again raised his head, hands holding the bleeding part of his stomach. He would surely pass out anytime soon.

"TO TORTURE YOU LIKE NO TOMORROW." Jungkook shouted, his brows knitted as a bullet escaped  through his gun, hitting the other's shoulder with a loud sound.

"You dared to hurt my doll. I will show you what pain feels like dad until and unless you beg me to kill you."

Jungkook exclaimed as he went towards his doll who was sitting on a chair with his unconscious state. He placed his hands holding the other's waist as he picked him up in a bridal style.

As the Mafia went outside carrying his doll in his arms again, Jungkook's men ran inside for the work they wanted to do for so long..


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