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Lol the disappointment i felt when I saw the views and then at the likes of my previous chapter!

I am feeling like am not doing well enough. But anyways i will continue writing my stories and i would appreciate if you don't be a silent reader...


Taehyung was bored looking at his phone time to time. Jungkook wasn't there too. He was laying on his ankle on the bed mattress, while the phone was in his hand. There might be some important call from Lucus as it's been days since they started tracking Dongyun but he didn't go anywhere specific. They couldn't find any prove still now and that was what frustrating Jeon Taehyung. He never liked delay in his work.

He placed his head on his hand as he sighed loudly. His father called him telling him to handle his company too but Taehyung didn't want to. Even though it sounded like selfish but he never agreed on passing on his father's company to him. Not that he didn't want to take responsibilities but he didn't want other's to think that he still rely on his father, he didn't want to let other say that he was handling his father's company and earning money. He wants to do his work himself, without anyone's help.

Just as he was in his thoughts, the door opened softly. Taehyung didn't open his eyes knowing who it was. He could hear the closing sound of the door. A dark figure was coming towards him which he could feel from his closing eyes.

Taehyung didn't move at all. But he shivered when he fell Jungkook's hand holding his both thighs before carrying him on his muscular arms. Taehyung's jolted a little but what he didn't notice was Jungkook's little smirk at the corner of his lips. Jungkook made Taehyung lay on his back on the bed properly. Taehyung let out the shaky breath he was holding when he got that Jungkook was just making him comfortable from the weird position he was laying.

Taehyung opened his eyes a little only to notice Jungkook going inside the washroom with a towel hanging on his shoulder. Jungkook's muscle was flexing that Taehyung couldn't help from drooling at the sight.

The door closed as Taehyung felt tiredness running over his whole body. He decided to take a quick nap and wake up since he got work to do. He can't sleep the whole night. There's lots of things he needed to do.


After almost fifteen minutes or so, Jungkook came out of the washroom taking a fresh shower. He quickly glanced at the laying figure on his king sized bedroom again before chuckling lightly. Taehyung was really adorable with a small frown and pout on his face. He was sleeping so peaceful that Jungkook didn't want to make a single noise too. He slowly went towards the big mirror as he dried his hair and then combing it properly. He wore a white baggy shirt along with tight shorts under it.

He gave a little of his favourite cologne which immediately spreads in the whole room. He had already ordered Lia to bring him a glass of coffee in order to not fall asleep. He needed to do some of his office work which includes making presentation.

Jungkook took his laptop which was just beside the table lamp and sat on the bed, beside his husband's sleeping figure so quietly.

He started working on his presentation when he heard a knock almost immediately. He groaned a little as he kept the laptop on the bed and went to open the door.

"Master, here is your coffee." Jungkook nodded his head at Lia. He took the coffee cup from Lia's hand.
"Thank you. You may go now." Jungkook said as he saw Lia bowing a little before turning the other side. Jungkook used to be sweet to Lia-- atleast a little bit but the betrayal he felt when he saw Lia spilling everything to his doll in such a way that can make his doll misunderstand him completely, made him damn angry on Lia. He no longer believes the girl.

He closed the door, sighing a little. "Fuck this work! Why can't I be free from this shit ever?" Jungkook annoyingly whispered on his breath. He never ever felt annoyed by his work. He loved to do his work but now he doesn't seem to have enough mood to work on those papers. All his mind was occupied by a certain male and that was no one but his own husband, his doll- Jeon Taehyung!

Jungkook took a sip from the coffee cup again feeling the same bitterness going down his mouth to his stomach. The bitterness was so good that he felt addicted. Suddenly he chuckled while taking another sip as soon as he remembered what happened one day when Lia served the same coffee as Jungkook's to Taehyung. He remembered how Taehyung started running here and there to throw up the coffee from his mouth and what astonished him more was that day Taehyung eat a whole bucket of vanilla ice-cream all by himself because of removing the taste of the fucking coffee from his life completely. He even warned Jungkook not to drink that shit infront of him.

Jungkook drank the coffee a little quickly, placing the cup on the nearest night table. He again started working on his presentation.

But-- After almost ten minutes or so, Jungkook started feeling hot. His body was reacting on it's own as he felt himself sweating too much. The hotness was getting over him. He immediately stood up to walk towards the washroom as he turned on the shower due to the intense hotness in his body. He was feeling intimate- he wanted someone --- no he wanted Taehyung right then. His mind stopped working. Jungkook held the wall as he leaned on it. It was unbearable pain running through his whole body.

Jungkook just couldn't bear as he ran inside the room again with his already wet clothes, stuck to his body which was showing his muscles. His eight pack was clearly visible through the white shirt.

Jungkook didn't waste any time as he hovered over the laying figure of Taehyung who whimpered in his sleep a little feeling a weight on his body. Jungkook was breathing so heavily that his breath was fanning the other's ear and mostly neck. Taehyung was tired so it didn't make him wake up from his deep sleep.

"No- w-what am i d-doing?" Jungkook panted as he moved himself a little from the sleeping male. He wanted to control but atlast it all got gone in vain.

Jungkook harshly attached him lips to the other's and started moving his lips. "J-jung-- kook?" Taehyung whimpered as his deep sleep completely broke due to the abuse on his lips. Taehyung opened his eyes only to see Jungkook was kissing him so harshly while hovering over him. Taehyung panicked so much that he pushed Jungkook who fell on the other side of the bed, still his pants were quite clear in the room.

Taehyung instantly sat up to look at Jungkook beside him, laying so miserably. His hands was covering his eyes as he layed on the bed.

"T-tae." Jungkook was whispering, while chanting Taehyung's names numerous time. Taehyung heard it but he couldn't understand a single thing why Jungkook was behaving like this. All his thoughts broke when he heard sobbing sound.

Jungkook was crying ---

Yes Jeon Jungkook was crying ----

Taehyung's heart clinched so badly. He couldn't hold himself anymore. Taehyung held Jungkook's hand which was holding the bedsheet tightly as if he was in very much pain. His head was thrashing here and there. Taehyung couldn't understand the reason behind the Mafia's painful sobs but he knew something was wrong with him.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung worried uttered as he made Jungkook sit on the bed who did as the other made him do. Jungkook was looking weak so much weak that Taehyung felt his heart arching. Taehyung didn't waste any single second as he pulled the sobbing male into a tight hug.

Jungkook felt the hug of his doll. He could smell the lavender perfume of his doll as he snuggled more on the other's body, burying his head on the other's crook of his neck. Taehyung patted Jungkook's back so cautiously.


"Yes, Jungkookie. I am here! Your doll is here. Tell me what happened?" Taehyung asked, still patting Jungkook's back. Jungkook felt pain as he hugged Taehyung more tightly holding the other's waist.

"I-I am in p-pain doll. H-help me." Jungkook tried to say between his sobs and loud pants. Taehyung wanted to help. He wanted to do everything that can make the other's pain go away. He can't see Jungkook like this-- never!

"I-I want y-you, tae! I want you s-so fucking b-badly."


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