𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙣𝙚

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Chapter 1

Dokja entered the night bar with his friends. It was oozing with alcohols and different kinds of perfumes. Dokja was forced to come - although his friends just guilt trip him into coming. He hasn't been coming with them because he's been busy with work since their company handled a big event and he was one of the few people who had been assigned to do the biggest task. And since it was a big event, a lot of people knew about it, including his friends, so after they knew the event has been successful they immediately invited him and he couldn't refuse since he don't have any excuses anymore.

"Oh, we're meeting with my other friends too." Yoo Sangah said. Dokja sighed, it's hard to be friends with a social butterfly. This is why he don't want to come, there will be a lot of strange people and it'll be awkward for him. He's not good dealing with people.

They passed a lot of tables and people making out already. He made a face when he saw it. God, it's still so early and they're already so drunk. Do these people don't have other life than night bars?

"Helloooo!" Yoo Sangah shouted and all the people on that table turned to look at them. His face immediately turned red. God, does she really have to shout?

He looked at Yoo Sangah's friend and his eyes immediately stopped at that person. The guy has already been staring at him. Has he been staring at me since we arrived? He smiled awkwardly to acknowledge his presence and to say that he caught him staring. He had that stern look in his face and he also look unapproachable. After a few moments, Yoo Sangah pulled him to sit down.

"This is my friend, Kim Dokja." She introduced. They nod at him, some of them shake hands and some of them just smiled. But that one person just keep on staring at him.

Yoo Sangah noticed that Yu Joonghyuk has been staring at Dokja. She cleared her throat and nudged Dokja at his side. "That's Yu Joonghyuk. He rarely comes at time like this. He's almost just like you, always been forced to come." Yoo Sangah said that made Dokja chuckle.

The night continues and Dokja was already having fun. He thought earlier that he might be having a hard time enjoying this night since he's tired from the event but Yoo Sangah's friend were easy to talk to. They made sure he was comfortable for the night. They all left to dance at the dancefloor since the song was getting good. They were forcing him to dance but dancing... isn't really Dokja's type. Yoo Sangah threatened him with a look that says I'll kill you if you leave".

Now, it's only the two of them. Dokja looked at Joonghyuk who's drinking his glass down. Even Dokja can admit that this man in front of him is so freaking gorgeous. The heaven might have took their time making this man since he looks like he doesn't have flaws.

"Are you having fun?" Dokja's eyes widen in shocked when he heard him speak. He was stunned, even his voice sounds so good.

He nods, trying to keep his cool. "Your friends are easy to talk to so I enjoyed being here." He smiled.

"Aren't you tired?" Yu Joonghyuk asked once again.


"You were having a hard time preparing for the event and you look super tired at work."

Dokja was confused. Why does this guy knew his state inside the company. Is he just guessing it or...

"How do you know about me?"

Joonghyuk raised a brow. "Are you serious?" His tone almost sound like he's hearing something ridiculous.

Dokja's brows furrowed. "Does it look like I'm making jokes with you?" He doesn't mean if his tone sounded mad, he just couldn't let it slide if this man isn't that good.

"I work at the same company as you. Although I'm on the other floor. One couldn't ignore you since you've been so hardworking. Are you even thinking about your health?" Now he's nagging.

Although Joonghyuk said a lot of things, only a few words gets into his head. This man works on the same company as me? He can't believe. How come he doesn't see him, even if they aren't on the same floor. They all left at the same time - they can just see each other at least once!

Or has he been too focused on his work that he failed on interacting with other people. Thinking about it, he really pushed people away from him just because he wants to be dedicated into his work. He also fails to look at his surroundings sometimes.

"Oh." He said when he realized something. "Did I sound rude earlier?" He smiled awkwardly. "I seem to fail on things concerning other people."

Joonghyuk stared at him and smiled for the first time. "It's fine. There's nothing you have to apologize. I already expected something like this."

'What floor are you, by the way?" Dokja asked, now genuinely curious about him.

Joonghyuk seem to think about it. "It's a secret for now." He grins. He shifted on his seat to get something inside his pocket. He handed him his phone. "Can you save your number? I want to know if you'll come and hangout again so I could come."

Dokja accepted it without a second thought. He typed in his number and gave it back to him right after saving it. He then look at Joonghyuk with a smirk. "You sounded like you would just come if I'm there."

Joonghyuk smirk back at him. "Did I?" He said devilishly. He relaxed on his seat, crossed legs. "Well.. you can probably say that."

Even before he can reply, Yoo Sangah appeared looking really drunk. She was just fine before she entered the dancefloor, just what happened there?

"She's super drunk." One of her friends said.

Dokja nodded. "Sorry. I think we might head out first, she needs to go home and sobber up. Thank you."

"No worries." The girl said.

Dokja carried Yoo Sangah and before he could turn to leave, he heard Joonghyuk speak.

"Answer the phone when you get home. I'll call and save my number."

Dokja left with a grin on his lips. He doesn't know what's up with that Yu Joonghyuk but he's really interesting. He hope he can see him inside their company. While Dokja was having rendezvous with himself, Joonghyuk was bombarded with question with his friends. It was their first time seeing him taking an interest on someone. They were excited and they were also looking forward on how this two will go.

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