𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣

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Chapter Thirteen

Dokja looked at his phone. A notification popped up saying he missed a call. He sighed. It's only been a few hours. He left Joonghyuk's condo, bringing all his things, and went to this hotel. He turned his phone off because Joonghyuk might track him down. 

He knows Joonghyuk had a past with Lee Seolhwa and seeing them in that position had him seeing red. Did he do something wrong? He was just being understanding since Joonghyuk's really a top-rising person and it's only natural for him to get busy. But.. it's not that hard to spare some time, isn't it?

Dokja brushed his hair. This is bothering him and he feels like he wants to cry but can't. 

What the fuck's wrong with me?

After a few minutes, he decided he'll go to sleep. He'll just sleep this off.  As he lay on his bed, he immediately thought about Joonghyuk. Even at this moment he still wants to know how's he doing, and if he ate the lunch he left at his office. 

He was so busy that hearing someone knock on his door loudly made him sit up on his bed real quick. 

"Who are you?!" He shouted enough for the person outside to hear. 

"Dokja, love.." The person behind answered. 

Dokja froze on his bed, how could he find him so quickly? He regained himself and went to open the door, faking a cold expression on his face.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, no emotion in his voice. Dokja scanned his entire face and although it was only for a few hours, Joonghyuk looks stressed. 

"Why did you leave? I was shocked to see your closet empty." Joonghyuk managed to smile at Dokja, a nervous smile. 

"Did you track me down?" Dokja asked, squinting his eyes at him. 

Joonghyuk messed his hair in frustration. "I have to do it. I was slowly losing my sanity. I don't know what will happen to me if I lose you." 

"Excuses. This is a crime, Yu Joonghyuk. You're trespassing my privacy." 

"Love.." Joonghyuk looks at him, pleading with his eyes. "I'm sorry. I swear, I didn't mean that to happen!"

"I don't care if you mean it or not, the fact that you both kissed is enough for me to break up with you." Dokja's voice was firm, it's like nothing could ever change his mind. 

"Please.. another chance. Give me another chance." Joonghyuk pleads. 

Dokja scoffed. "And what? If you're having a celebration party and you're stressed, you'll kiss someone and give a lame excuse like you thought it was me?"

Joonghyuk slowly loses his hope of bringing him back. "I know. I know I fucked up so bad. I know nothing I could do could ever make you forgive me but.." He raised his head and stared into Dokja's eyes, dedication fills with it. "Let me make it up to you. I won't ask you to forget what just happened but let me just do anything.. anything for your forgiveness."

Dokja stared at him. "Anything?"

Joonghyuk nodded. 

"Give me some space. I don't care what you're going to do but don't show yourself in front of me again."

He said that firmly. He said that like he doesn't want to accept him right away and forgive him for his mistake but he had to do it. It was just one mistake, but it caused too much damage to him. 

"For a year."

He challenged Joonghyuk with eye contact. After a few seconds, Joonghyuk nods his head. 

"A year. Only for a year, love. After a year, I'll come back. And after that let me ask for your forgiveness once again. I love you." Joonghyuk stared at him with tears in his eyes. "Please don't leave me.. again."

Whatever happens, he won't let Dokja get away again. He did it once, and he will never do it again. I killed him with a sword from our past. I regressed a lot of times to find him again. And now that I did, no one will ever take him away from me. 

I didn't kill him with a sword this time... I hurt him. I hurt him in the process of getting better for him. Thinking he deserves better if I dedicate myself to work. Was that really what he deserves? Or was I the one who thought that's what he deserves?

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