𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙞𝙭

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Chapter Six

"Are you going to work now?" Joonghyuk asked while Dokja's preparing for work.

"Yeah. Aren't you going to prepare?" Dokja asked.

His phone was on a speaker and for months that they had been talking, he already found out that Yu Joonghyuk was the CEO of their company. At first Dokja doesn't want to believe that what he's saying was true. But when he saw him attending for the first time in their meeting that's when he stood there in shock seeing the man who wanted to court him.

They were also keeping their relationship a secret. Even though Joonghyuk always wants to expose their relationship to everyone at their company. Their friends also supported their current relationship.

"Can I fetch you?" Instead of answering Dokja's question, he instead ask him. Then he laughed at the other line. "Well, it's not like you have any other choice. I'm outside your house right now." Dokja sighed after hearing him said those words. He literally can't win against this man.

He immediately packed his things and went out. He also made sure he unplugged all the wires and locked every door before he walked towards Yu Joonghyuk's fancy car. It still hasn't sink in his mind that he was being treated like this by a man so freaking rich. This is why he hesitated on answering him. He like him, sure, but the pressure of being with the guy who's really above him is so overwhelming. But Yu Joonghyuk tried his best not to intimidate him by his wealth. He wants to take everything slowly for Dokja. He will gladly do everything he can just to make him his.

"Good morning, handsome," Joonghyuk greeted Dokja with a smile when he went inside the passenger seat. Joonghyuk gave him a coffee.

"Good morning boss," Dokja teased him all the time about this. He would call him boss when Joonghyuk's been all flirty with him. Yu Joonghyuk pouted as he started to start the engine.

"It's weekend tomorrow, let's hangout, hm?" Joonghyuk said while his eyes were focused on the road ahead of them. 

Dokja nod his head. "Anywhere you want." 

He surely wants to stay inside his house if it's his day off work but ever since they started hanging out, he also feel calm and relax when they're together. Yu Joonghyuk knows every place that they need to be. Joonghyuk memorized every expression on Dokja's face. He would always know when he needs a break or not and he would plan a week ahead on where they would spend their time together and also rest together.

Slowly, they find peace within each other which made them feel each other's rest. That feeling where you already found your rest after spending all your days being so restless. 

Dokja can admit to himself that he, indeed, find his home to him.

They started their day with a stressful one. Their company is launching another business and Dokja's team was the one who's been assigned to monitor and gather each data and report right after. 

Dokja rested his back on the wall while he's sipping in his coffee. He close his eyes as he rest for a bit. After a few minutes, he felt someone tapping his cheeks. He opened his eyes to see who's disturbing his rest. 

"What are you doing here?" Dokja asked and immediately stood up straight when he saw Joonghyuk's smiling face. 

"I missed you and I know you'll be here around this time." He went nearer to him and hugged him. "Are you okay? Does your head ache? I'll buy some meds so you can take and rest for a bit."

Dokja smiled as he felt his sincere concern in his well being. "I'm fine. How about you? Is our handsome CEO not feeling well?"

Joonghyuk hugged him tighter and rested his head on Dokja's shoulder. "I was feeling lonely because I haven't seen you for the past few hours."

Dokja chuckled as he brushed his hair gently. This grown up man acting like a baby is so... cute.

"It was only just for a few hours. What will you do if we have to be apart for months?"

Joonghyuk look him at the eyes immediately. "Why? Are you planning on leaving me?" He whimpered back on Dokja's neck. "I still haven't hear you say yes to me and you're planning on leaving me already."

"Silly. I was referring when you're going to a business trip. And who said I'll leave you?" Dokja said and kissed him on the forehead. 

They stayed that way for a few couple of minutes and Yu Joonghyuk was the one who broke apart. He stared at Dokja's face. 

"What's wrong?" Dokja asked when he saw something in his eyes, like he was... hurting. "Joonghyuk?" 

Joonghyuk smiled. "I'm fine. You know I love you right? I'll do everything for you, even turning back time just to see you once again if you'll leave."

"You're thinking nonsense again. I already said I'll stay. I won't leave, ever. That's one thing I could promise you."

He doesn't understand why Joonghyuk was  acting that way towards him. He knew something was up and he'll wait until he's ready to tell him. All Dokja needed to do was to assure him that whatever it was, he'll listen. He won't let his concerns be ignored. He was already planning on answering him tomorrow. No matter what happends, he won't let anything happens that would ruin their relationship. 

They'll talk. They'll listen. Whatever nonsense that is, all thoughts shouldn't be kept when you already have someone you can depend on to. Trust and accept. Trust your other half and accept everything. Don't let them feel like they're not being heard.

No thoughts shall be keep inside ones head. Communicate. Don't hide from each other. Don't be afraid and let yourself out. 

In a relationship you should feel safe, secured and love - not being silenced, ignored and unloved. As much as we deserve the better, we must also be better for ourselves. There's no such thing as miscommunication if both of you learned how to compromise. Feel loved and let them feel loved. Don't make everything one-sided.

There's no such thing as right person, wrong time - as much as I hate to break it all on you, if that person's the one, there'd be no 'wrong time'. You'll break apart but you'll make it right. Thinking of 'wrong time' is an excuse for love that failed and no chance of fixing. Love cannot be that shallow. 


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