𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩

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Chapter Eight

Kim Dokja woke up from a call. He picked his phone up lazily and groaned in annoyance.

"What?" He said.

"Good morning to you too. I know you had a rough week and you need some rest but you're going to be late now." Yu Joonghyuk greeted him. 

Kim Dokja stared at his ceiling. "I'm late..?" He said like he can't process what Yu Joonghyuk just said. 

"Yes, baby. You have 20 minutes to prepare or you're going to be late."

Dokja sat down on his bed immediately. "Why didn't you call me earlier?!" He said in a panic.

"Well, I'm sorry baby but I thought you're already preparing. I'm outside your house though, I bought you some breakfast. Can I come in?" 

Dokja looked at his messy room. "My room's so messy right now."

"I know that's why I want to come in. I'll clean that up for you."

Dokja answered yes and they ended the call so Dokja can prepare for work.

When Joonghyuk went inside, it was a mess. His clothes were everywhere and the trash bin is so full of crumpled paper some were already on the floor. Joonghyuk put the coffee and bread he bought on the table and started tidying up. 

They're dating for months now. Joonghyuk didn't fail to amaze Dokja in those months. Dokja thought that it was just a fleeting feeling for Joonghyuk, that he was just infatuated but he clearly wants to settle down with him. They were open with each other. Dokja was so bad at communicating but he forced himself to open and communicate for him because Joonghyuk doesn't deserve a love and a relationship that's full of doubts.. and angst.

Well, it's clearly basic knowledge that when you enter a relationship you have to communicate and to be loyal. Those who can't do that is just clearly up for games.

"We can eat on the way to the company," Joonghyuk said while staring at his man combing his hair in front of the mirror. He stood up from his seat and went near him. He kissed Dokja's cheek and wrapped his arms around Dokja's waist. "I love you."

Dokja chuckled. "I love you too. Let's go?" He turned around and planted a small kiss on Joonghyuk's lips. Joonghyuk nod his head and he brought Dokja's bag. 

"Call me if you need something," Joonghyuk said as he parked his car. 

Dokja nod his head again, he can't answer because he was eating his bread. 

Joonghyuk smiled. "Don't skip your lunch. I'll call to remind you."

In times like this, Joonghyuk looked like a parent looking out for his son but Dokja nod his head once again. 

"I love you. Let's go on a vacation break once this event is done." Joonghyuk gently grabbed Dokja's head and planted a soft kiss on Dokja's forehead. 

Dokja waved his hands at him with a smile. "I'll see you later, I love you!"

Joonghyuk stared at his man walking away from him. His heart ache from unknown reason. For the past months, he kept on dreaming the same thing again and again, and everytime he wakes up he found himself crying and out of breath. 

In those dreams, he stabbed Dokja's heart with a sword. Dokja was smiling at him. Dokja said something but before voice could come out from his mouth his dream would go black and he would  wake up. 

Was that our past.. or just some random dream?

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