Skye brings a monkey on the bus

414 11 7

A/n from now on ward will be good. And I'm so so so so so so so so so sorry I haven't updated in forever I've just had serious writers block! I take requests as well so feel free to comment! Thx! :-)



Ward- where were u?

Skye- I went to the zoo with coulson!! I GOT CANDYYYY

Ward- hey um why is your bag moving?! Candy doesn't move!

Skye- uhhhhhhhh pshhht yeah it does

May- Skye....what did you do?

Simmons- ?

Fitz- :0

Skye- sooooooo maybe when coulson was on the phone I snuck off and bought a monkey?

Fitz- YESSSS I LOVE them

Simmons- can we see it?

Skye- he is not an "it"

Simmons- come on!

Ward- hmmmmn.......yeah can we?

Skye- *takes out monkey* *picture on side* let's feed him

Ward- feed him what?

Skye- bananas duhhhh

*monkey jumps from Skye onto ward and hugs him*

Ward- hi little guy! What's his name?

Skye- hasn't got one yet

Ward- let's name him! I think he shld be called grant

Skye- oh I wonder why.

May- Nah Mel is better

Skye- :'-)

May- :D

Coulson- Phil or Steve is better. Cute monkey btw

Skye- ur not mad!?

Coulson- nah he's sooooooo cute!

Fitz- he should be called Mel

Simmons- Mel the monkey. Cool

May- Yay!

Ward- okay! Mel the is your new home!!!

Hill- I leave for 2 days and you guys bought a monkey and named him Mel. There's no hope for the world.

*hill has left*

Ward- that was such a confidence booster.

Skye- Mel! Let's get you bananas!!!

*Mel climbs down Ward like he is a tree and tugs at his leg*

Ward- Bananas! I like this monkey :D

*in the kitchen*

Ward- there ya go buddy *hands Mel a banana*

*Mel walks past him and jumps on the counter* *Mel grabs the whole bunch of bananas and takes the one from wards hand*

Ward- ok :-)

*Mel jumps off and runs around the bus looking in every room*

Skye- what's he looking for

*Mel goes into wards room. He puts the bananas on wards bed and lies down. He falls asleep*

Skye- where did he go???

Ward- let's look.....uhhh found him

Skye- where?

Ward- my room

Coulson- awww he really likes u

Ward- yh :∆ he's like made my bed into his nest its kinda cute

Coulson- I think he has claimed ur room as his....let's make that Mel's room

Ward- ok but let's move my stuff and add monkey stuff for him

Skye- yh!! Like climbing stuff and a banana cave

Ward- banana cave? Really?

Skye- fine....banana house

Fitz- he's so cute!

*knock on the door*

Fitz- I'll get it

*deadpool walks in*

Wade- hi


Ward- hiiiiii!!!! Huge fan btw

Wade- well I am awesome. CUTE MONKEY!!!!

*Mel wakes*

Wade- hello little primate.

Mel- *throws banana at him*

Wade- hey! I don't like bananas, they're healthy

Mel- *throws more at him*

Wade- *leaves*

Ward- that was pretty funn- *banana hits his face*


ward- can u call the zoo and see why he is throwing bananas

Zoo person- hello?

Skye- hi my monkey keeps on throwing bananas at me and my boyfriend. Why

Ward- boyfriend? I'm not-

Skye- shhhhhhh

Zoo person- it's because he hasn't adjusted or doesn't like his new home. I suggest making it more comfortable for him. Ok bye

Skye- lets buy monkey stuff...

Ward- u said I was ur boyfriend

Skye- uh huh

Ward- but....

Skye- *winks* a girl can dream

Ward- o.O

Coulson- did he faint?

Skye- yep. And now Mel is poking him. Mel!!! Don't do that

Mel- *stops poking ward* *goes down to the training room where Melinda is*

May- hi Mel, you can swing from these bars if you like

*Mel starts swinging from the bars* *climbs down when done and goes to lab*

Fitz- hi little guy!!!!

Simmons- oh fitz isn't he adorable

Fitz- it's like having a child on the bus

Simmons- fitz there's something I wanna say. I like y-


Mel- *takes vial and goes to air vent. Smashes vial*

Simmons- what was in there

Fitz- in an hour everyone is gonna become crazy fangirls

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