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Nadia Parker moved back to her hometown of Boston from Los Angeles. She quit her Public Relations job to follow her dreams in Art. Settling into her new apartment, she looked out the ceiling window.

It had been a challenging 2 years for her, especially since the passing of her boyfriend, Ermias. She met him in California and was madly in love with him. He had opened her eyes to new experiences and perspectives, teaching her valuable lessons about love, resilience, and the importance of pursuing one's dreams.

Jayson met Ermias a few times when the two caught up here and there. Jayson found him intellectual and very inspiring. Ermias could tell the pair had underlying feelings for one another. He hoped that one day in this lifetime they would be able to have their time together whether he was on Earth or not.

"Be truthful with yourself and appreciate the journey. Relationships are not about just being happy all the time, it's about growing together, understanding each other's flaws, and supporting each other's dreams. It's a marathon, not a sprint." - Ermias, Nipsey Hussle

She was knocked out of her thoughts by her older sister and mom's voice as they walked into the apartment with boxes in their hands.

" Ma, Please I don't think this girl wants her house to be nude and boring. Just doesn't fit her." Malika started placing the box down on the kitchen island. Malika has supported every step her little sister took making her decision to move back home.

Walking over to her mom and sister she hopped onto the island counter. "I am not doing nude in my house. That will only make me depressed and lonely. I need a color mom." Gaining a playful eye-roll from 55 year old Sanaa.

Nadia giggled at her mother's reaction and then helped her sister unpack the boxes. She couldn't believe she was finally back in her hometown, surrounded by her family, and pursuing her passion for art. She had spent years working in Public Relations, but it never fulfilled her creative side. To fulfill that creative side, her and Ermias would sit in her apartment for hours at a time. He would write poems and music as she would get 5 paintings down in the record time.

Hours have passed since the women carried the last of the boxes up. They were now sitting on the floor eating Chinese food and talking. " So Miss.Nadia have you talked to Jayson yet?" Malika asked with a smirk etched on her face.

Nadia and Jayson tried to speak as much as they could since the passing of Ermias but he was currently on the road for the Conference Finals. She understood the importance of Jayson's focus and didn't want to interfere with his basketball career.

"We spoke somewhat this morning," Nadia replied, shrugging. "I'm trying not to bother him with Finals and stuff. If he doesn't call me, I won't bother to ruin his focus."

"How are you mentally baby?" Sanaa questioned as she could see her daughter's aura.

Nadia sat her carton of Lo Mein down as she let go of a breath she didn't know she was holding. She looked down at the tattoo she had on her forearm, dedicated to Ermias. "I'm okay ma, I really am. Taking it day by day, I know he's happy that I'm home with my family and following my dreams."

Sanaa's eyes softened with understanding, her love for her daughter evident in her gaze. She reached out and placed a hand on Nadia's, offering a gentle squeeze of support. "We're here for you, baby. Always remember that," she said with a soothing tone.

Malika, who had been listening intently, interjected playfully, "And don't forget about Jayson! He's been there for you too, hasn't he?" She couldn't help but tease her sister, knowing the deep connection that existed between Nadia and Jayson.

Nadia chuckled at her sister's remark, feeling a tingle in her stomach. "Yes, Jay has been there for me," she admitted, her voice filled with gratitude. Malika's smirk remained, and she couldn't resist a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well although y'all haven't spoken as much, absence does make the heart grow fonder," she teased, earning a playful swat from Nadia.

3 days later
Nadia's Apartment

Nadia stirred in her sleep as her phone rang next to her. Grabbing the phone she answered the facetime call without looking to see who it was. "Hello" Nadia answered groggily.

The person on the phone let out a deep chuckle, "My bad sleeping beauty, you normally up by now." Jayson's deep voice was heard. Nadia's eyes shot up as she pushed herself up to a sitting position, back against her headboard. Nadia's grogginess quickly dissipated as she realized who was on the other end of the line.

"Hey Jay, " Nadia responded, finally putting her face in the camera. Jayson couldn't lie and not say that age hasn't done Nadia justice. Even though she was hot, breathed and hair a mess, she was still the most gorgeous woman he had laid eyes on.

He couldn't help but be captivated by her, even in the most casual moments. "Hey yourself," he replied, his voice filled with genuine affection. "Sorry for waking you up. I hope you weren't having a nice dream."

Nadia giggled, "No you're good I wasn't dreaming anyway. I saw your game the other night, Congratulations on the win." Jayson who was the Boston Celtics 3rd pick in the 2017 NBA Draft.

"Thanks Channy, I was waiting on a text from you. I just assumed you were sleeping." Jayson said, looking away from the camera as someone walked into the room. Voices could be heard in the room which belonged to Jayson's 4 year old Jayson Jr.

"Is that my baby Deuce?" Nadia questioned as Jayson glanced at the camera with a smile before turning the camera to his son. Nadia's heart melted at the sight of the young boy. "Hey baby boy!" She greeted him with a warm smile. "It's been too long, You got so big oh my god. Are you being a good boy for your dad?"

Deuce looked up, his face lighting up with excitement as he recognized Nadia's voice. "Aunt Nadia!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with joy. "I'm being a good boy! Look, I got new Dinosaurs!"

"Wow I love them, once your dad is free we have to go to the new Dino Museum." Nadia watched as the four year old jumped up and down with excitement. Jayson's smile widened, his heart filled with warmth at the thought of spending time with Nadia and Deuce. "Definitely," he agreed. "Now that you're back home, we have plenty of opportunities to hang out. It'll be just like old times with a new party guest."

As their conversation continued, Nadia and Jayson caught up on each other's lives, sharing stories and updates. Deuce occasionally joined in the conversation, excitedly showing off his toys and sharing snippets of his day.

Something Ermias has always seen was the dynamic Nadia and Jayson had. It was evident they were for each other; they knew one another from the back of their hands.

He hoped that one day the two would finally discover their feelings and love one another the proper way before it was too late.


Of course I had to add Hussle in here as a honorary. The Marathon Continues. Rest in Paradise Ermias Asghedom "Nipsey Hussle"


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