Chapter 2: The truth, hidden in plain sight

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Nene sat in her room, thinking back to what Len said to her that day.

"If you keep loving them, you might be able to save them all."

She had spent the entire time thinking about his words instead of working on their next play, despite knowing that Len would probably still not answer her question if she tried asking another time.

She had a bad feeling, as if something was going to happen to them.

If Len had told her that, she must be the one to protect them, no?

Why else would he say something like that?

(It's no use to keep thinking about this, I still need to work on the show, after all.) Nene said to herself.

Suddenly, a different thought came into her mind.

(Wait, why don't I ask the other VOCALOIDs?) She thought.

She quickly got up, proud of herself for having a smart idea for once.

"If Len won't tell me, I'll get the others to." She said, grabbing her phone from the desk, and opening up her song playlist to find "The World Hasn't Even Started Yet" in it.

She clicked on it before thinking twice, and was greeted by her other troupe members, staring at her with their worried, but also slightly annoyed faces.

"Nene-chan, you're late!" Tsukasa said.

"Sorry, sorry," Nene replied, realizing that she had completely forgotten the time after getting distracted by Len.

"Did something come up? You're usually on time." Rui asked her.

"Ah, no..." Nene averted her eyes, completely avoiding their faces.

"Nene-chaaaannn!" Emu looked at her, making a sad face, "Are you sure you're okay????"

"E-Emu, no, well," Nene shook her head, "I'm just a bit worried about something."

"What is it?" Tsukasa asked.

(Ah, seriously, what is keeping it a secret going to do? They should know about it.)

"I was talking to Len a while ago, and," Nene struggled with her words, "He told me something about saving you guys from some disaster."

"Disaster?" Tsukasa asked again.


"Oooo, are we going to have an adventure?!" Emu jumped, "Well, if anything happens, Nene-chan is a very dependable person, she'll help us!"

"Hey, are you just going to—"

Rui interrupted her.

"Is there any chance he was just bluffing, or...?"

"Could be. I need to stop taking this too seriously, it's probably just nothing..."

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Tsukasa shouted, "Whenever people ignore things like this in movies, it always goes bad! We can't let something like this ruin our shows."

"Tsukasa-kun is right." Rui agreed, nodding; "What if we ask some of the other Vocaloids about it?"

"That's what I came here for," Nene responded, "I forgot we had a meeting today. Sorry."

"No worries!" Emu said, "Let's go ask the others!"

Emu looked around for any of the Vocaloids, before pointing to Miku and giving them an enthusiastic "Let's go!" and running towards the blue haired figure.

"Miku, Miku!" Emu said to get her attention.

"Hm? Oh, it's Emu-chan!" Miku turned around, giving her a welcoming smile.

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