Chapter 3: The overlap between our feelings

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"Miku, I told you you said too much."

"No," Nene shook her head, "I found this through your words, not Miku's."

The boy stared in surprise.

"See, Len? Maybe you're the one saying too much~"

"Shut it."

"Oh my, what is going on here?"

They turned around to see a long pink haired figure.

"Luka-san?" Miku mumbled.

"Is this about that overlapped SEKAI thing again? Don't tell me you told them everything, it's too much to comprehend, even for a vocaloid like us-"

Len put his hand on Luka's mouth.

"Mmmgh! Mmh,mmghhmm!"

"Overlapped SEKAI? What the..." Nene stared in confusion.

"Aaah, uh, pretend you didn't hear that!" Miku said sheepishly.

"I need answers."

"Mghmgm, mghh, mmhhh!!"

"Alright Len, you can let go now." Miku said.

Len let go of his hand.

"Ah, finally! Len, is that any way to talk to your elders?"

"Sorry, but if I hadn't done something, you would've told the entire thing."

"Luka-san," Nene expression was as sharp as ever, "What is an overlapped SEKAI?"

Luka gazed at Len and Miku.

"...Am I allowed to tell her?"

"Fine. Go ahead."

"An overlapped SEKAI is something that happens when owners of two SEKAI's have extremely similar feelings. The SEKAI's slowly come closer to eachother the more the feelings grow, and eventually, they overlap."

"And what happens then?"

"It's unknown. This sort of thing has only happened once before, hence why even Miku herself does not know much about them."

"That's right! I wanted to send out my little puppeteers like an army so I can find out more about this thing~ I hope it's not too dangerous for your liking!" Miku cheered cutely.

"Little puppeteers...? Wait, are you referring to us?" Nene asked.

"Mmhmm!" Miku nodded, "You guys are the puppeteers, when the other group are the puppets! Isn't that just awesome?!"

"Huh? I never agreed to thi-"

"Hush." Miku put her finger to Nene's mouth, "It's like this for a reason. Don't question it."


Len groaned, "And once again, Miku is doing everything on her own instead of listening to others..."

"Fufu, this is going to be one big disaster." Luka added.

"So, if I remember correctly," Nene said, "Our SEKAI is slowly coming closer to another SEKAI which will cause an overlap and will make us go to some unknown danger, and this is somehow related to the next show we're gonna make?"

"Correctomundo!" Miku cheered.

"And when will this happen?"

"If the show you're making puts in more of your feelings than usual it might happen sooner than we think." Len responded.

"More of our feelings?" Nene murmured.

"Every show you make puts atleast a fragment or more of your current feelings," Luka explained, "If the next show you make puts more of those extreme feelings - the ones that are similar to the other SEKAI's group - the overlap may happen a bit sooner than expected."

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