Chapter 4: The shining star and the masked villian

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It was the day of the show. The day all of the members of Wonderlands x Showtime oh so dearly awaited.

This was going to be their best show yet. With all the planning made with Rui, the script and ideas written by Nene, and the costumes designed with the help of Tsukasa and Emu, it was definetly going to be a blast.

The show would start at night, in addition to their halloween theme, to give a more unsettling vibe.

They would have to make a makeshift stage and make sure not to leave anything inside as anything they left could be used to track their identities.

It would surely be much easier if they could just use the stage at Phoenix Wonderland, but they had all gotten banned from the place after accidentally exploding one of the parks, which didn't get anyone injured, but destroyed a few props that were going to be used for a play right next to the park.

They were going to use cute masks made by Emu in each show to hide themselves. For this one, Emu had made them all cute black cat masks, each of them having a different expression so it isn't easy to mix up.

Their show was going to be a version of Alice in Wonderland: Nene being Alice, Emu being the Queen of Hearts, Rui being Mad Hatter and Tsukasa being the Cheshire Cat.

The show would be starting in 5 minutes, they had already done all of the preparations and also anything necessary if they needed to escape mid-show.

"You ready?" Rui asked Nene who finished changing into her show outfit.

"Sure am." Nene answered confidently. She put on the cute mask Emu made and gave Rui a warm smile.

"Fufu, you know I can't see your face through the mask, right?"


This show was going to get them closer to their true feelings, and help them discover what was going on in the world of overlapping SEKAI's.

Well, only Nene knew that. The others hadn't a clue what was going on.

"Alright, is everyone ready?" The star asked.

"Yess!" They all cheered.

And so, the curtains opened, and the show began.


"I'm Alice," She said, walking in the forest, "That's the name my mother gave me, it's a german name meaning noble."

She stopped walking and turned to the audience.

"Today, I'm out for a walk to get some mushrooms," She explained, "We're making stew tonight."

Suddenly, a slight cristle sound was heard from behind her, seemingly near the bushes.

"Hm? Did you hear that too?"

She ran towards the bushes.

"Is anyone there?"

More cristle sounds were heard.

"It sounds like an animal."

After a few seconds, it crunched again, but this time, something came out.

"A rabbit?!" Alice startled, backing away a bit because of the sudden appearance by the animal.

The rabbit started running away.

"Hey, wait, come back here!" She ran.


The first parts of the show went surprisingly well. Now, it was time for the climax to begin, where Rui, also known as Mad Hatter would be entering the stage.

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