Chapter 19: Miku, Miku and Miku

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"I have an idea of where to start." Mafuyu began, "Let's list everything that has happened before and since we arrived here and debate on what's suspicious."

"Wasn't that already the plan? There's no other place to begin." Tsukasa agreed, "Who would like to begin explaining?"

"Me." Kanade surprisingly joined in, "We've done this before Tsukasa. Now with everyone combined, the story should become clear as it is."

Kanade cleared her throat. "It all began with Mafuyu coming to us to explain a phenomenon she had learned, called 'Dimension Jumping'. As the name suggests, this phenomenon is about entering another dimension, and it's thought to be the case for people going missing recently."

Mafuyu nodded, "Yes. I did say that." She looked at the members of Wonderlands x Showtime, "And at first I thought it was related to our Empty SEKAI with Miku, but then I figured out that the infamous wonderland group must be using it to get away aswell."

"Uwaaa, that's...true..." Emu squeezed her arm, "But we mean no harm! We just do it so that we don't get in trouble for doing our dangerous shows."

"Is Dimension Jumping really a thing? What if it's just something Mafuyu made up?" Nene questioned.

"Do you have any other explanation for how the SEKAI's work? How you can go 'missing' in an instant and teleport to a completely different place outside of a normal human's reach?" Mafuyu interrogated.

Nene shook her head, "I don't have any other explanation, but just because there isn't any other explanation doesn't mean we have to accept this one. Maybe there's something else we just haven't discovered yet."

"That's right. Say, Nene, you were talking to Miku a lot before the overlap happened right? Why don't you tell us everything that happened there?" Rui asked the girl. 

"Uh, it actually all started with Len, and not Miku. I arrived way before our usual meeting time to the SEKAI, and I showed Len the stuff I prepared for our next show. He told me something like 'If you keep loving them, you might be able to save them all.' about Rui, Tsukasa and Emu."

"Main character syndrome huh?" Ena replied sarcastically, "You get told to love people to save them, and then you almost get executed while trying to do so, and all of these things happen to you and your friends..."

"Eh, is it really...?" Nene turned away, embarassed.

"I'm joking I'm joking!"

"After that," Tsukasa added, "We all decided to ask Miku about it together, but she was acting really weird, so we decided to leave and go to my house. When we arrived, Nene said she realized something and went back into the SEKAI."

"Mhm. There, Miku and some other Vocaloids taught me what an Overlapped SEKAI was. I'm sure everyone knows what it is by now so I don't think I need to explain further."

Ena rubbed her chin, "It was that, uh, two SEKAI owners feelings are extremely similar so the entire SEKAI's just, overlap. Right?"

"SEKAI owners? The Wonderland SEKAI is created from Tsukasa's feelings, so he must be one of them." Rui said.

"And the Empty SEKAI was created from Mafuyu's. So are they...?" Mizuki added onto the conversation.

(It's either me or Mafuyu then, isn't it? I'm not the traitor, but I don't want Mafuyu to die...) Tsukasa thought to himself. He looked at the purple haired girl infront of him. Her eyes were...creepy.

"M-Mafuyu?!" Emu looked at the girl with a concerned face.

"From where did any of you come to the conclusion that the SEKAI owners are supposed to be the traitors? My god you guys are stupid." Mafuyu answered in angrily. "A traitor is supposed to be the person keeping us trapped in here. They never told us it has to be the person who created the SEKAI."

"But that's so vague! We can't figure anything out from that description!" Emu yelled, "What else are we supposed to do?!"

"GUYS! Calm down! We have to talk about this calmly or we won't be able to reach any conclusion!" Tsukasa yelled back.

"You're too loud." Mafuyu whispered.

"I agree with Tsukasa. I know it's hard, but we all need to stay calm. If you're a good person, nothing bad is going to happen anyway, so don't worry about it!" Mizuki spoke cheerfully.

Rui immediately objected. "Wrong." He declared, "Remember what happened to Nene."

"Ah! Can we...not talk about that please!" Nene voiced, scared, "I don't want my suffering to be used as an argument. I don't like it!"

"Sorry." Rui apologized.

"Does that mean there won't be any kind of proper justice? We could just execute all of the innocent people until there are none left?" Kanade uttered, "I don't think this is right. None of us are qualified detectives or anything, we're all just teenagers! We aren't supposed to be doing this, MEIKO was right!"

"I agree with that!" Mizuki exclaimed, "Think about what MEIKO said, guys. We aren't supposed to be pointing fingers at everyone until one of us dies. There has to be another way!"

"MEIKO?" Miku interrupted their debating, "What do you mean, MEIKO?"

Mafuyu deathstared the blue haired girl. "It's nothing that concerns you."

"No need to hold a grudge against me. I'm just here to help you all." Miku replied.

"Yeah, totally." Rui commented sarcastically.

"Mmmmhmmmm." Ena did the same.

"Huh? Why are you guys acting like that? Miku's literally just doing her job." Mizuki asked them, confused.

"Mizuki has a point." Tsukasa agreed, "We can't act like this to her after she's done so much for us, especially for Wonderlands x Showtime."

"She's done a lot for Nightcord at 25:00 too, our music group." Kanade mentioned, "Even though this whole Overlapped SEKAI thing has caused us a lot of trouble, I'm still glad Miku made all of this possible for us." She smiled.

(It feels like the group is slowly splitting into two.) Nene thought, (Rui, Mafuyu and Ena seem to not trust Miku at all, while Tsukasa, Mizuki and Kanade seem to be grateful that she's here, despite them thinking that the whole trial thing might not be morally right. But me and Emu...) She turned her head over to her. Emu was still sadly gripping her arm, looking down. (It seems all of this debating and arguing is having a toll on her, huh. I'm sure she can notice the group splitting into two aswell. It's only me and her who look like we haven't chosen a side yet.)

(Think Nene, think. What if this was a videogame? Actually nevermind, that sounds stupid. I *could* totally act like this argument was just some mission in a videogame though...Maybe that would help me concentrate better.)

(If I keep loving them, I might be able to save them all. Yeah, that's right. I have to find the truth and save everybody, no matter the cost!)

(I love you all. I really do. So I'm going to try my best to do what Len told me. The story started with our feelings, and it'll end with our logic!)

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