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Bisra: bird/snake/rat

Crocogar: crocodile/gar

Snurtle: snake/turtle

Peryarn: Persian/reptile skitter used as a fiber animal (yarn or felting). Offspring called kits

Vulrhin: vulture/rhino that can't fly, but has bones similar to fire starting bones in dragons. Possibly for grinding food, a la gizzard

Wolmod/wodra: wolf/komodo dragon

Snokka: snow leopard/quokka

Liala: lion/koala

Peakraptor/quetzal: peacock/raptor

Worgle: Wolf/gargoyle

Khagulo: chameleon/wolverine

Roly poly: looks like a cross between a turtle and a mushroom, cannot curl up like a roly poly

Bimobasna "beemo": bird/mouse/bat/snake

Springwing: serpentine native kin, so called because they spring into the air

Dolfings: dolphin launch winged kin, named for their upward launch into the air

Forta tuna: Imagine a chonky lobster; vaguely fish-like, but also not. Like if a fish had chitin plates that had spaces between them? Peeled shrimp vibes, I guess, but hardened. The legs are much further apart, and I'll probably put fins on it. Will draw when I can.

Springbeak: beaked four-legged meat animals with horns and hooves, and the beak they are named for. They leap quite high, which works against ground predators--but not dragons.

Skeetcats: ferret iguana looking creatures that eat vermin

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