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This glossary covers both "Onnu and Pannu" and "Tales from the Fortnight Worlds"

Dragonhold/hold: crystal/stone structures built for/by dragons. Can be used as a measurement of distance.

Bowl: inhabitable inner portion of dragonhold

Kin: kinds of people

Gillnecks: merfolk; also called mer

Travelers, well-traveled kin: kin who arrived with Pannu

Homesteaders: kin who arrived first, with Onnu

Pilgrims: foundlings who Crossed after Onnu and Pannu, or the same time but took longer to arrive

Crossing: when everyone was transfigured/transported

Furgoyle: vaguely gargoyle-like kin without wings

Skitters: small edible prey animals

Flitters: small flying edible prey animals

Claysand: somewhere between the two earthen materials

Charon: giant tailless manta rays that create night and rain, eats the dead and debris

Faun: scaly version of earth fauns, sort of, but with claws and hide

Papygrass: grass parchment/paper/papyrus

Basketnuts: nut-shaped woven basket plant things, used as carrying vessels

Aloam: bark of tree in basketnut grove that's bluish on the outside, pale pink on the inside, tastes like alum to littles but a nice bitter tea to dragons. Has aloe-like properties, perhaps also alum qualities

Crystal-cover: Odd, powdery clumpy clay sand stuff that once covered the crystals of the Holds (and still does cover Grey Hold's crystals)

Holderkin: heads of crafts or specialties who can help establish new Holds

Landkin: not gillnecks

Forefeathers: ancestors of birdkin and gryphons

Bampa: bamboo-like reed paper

Hundred Little Eggs: turning point when the kin were no longer as children

Above: Space just outside atmo

Between: the space between worlds. We call it space.

The Triplets: the three humans who volunteered to help God with whatever He needed. Also called: Triad, or Undying Trinity

Month: Charon passes over thirty times

Pass: Length of time it takes a dragon's egg to hatch

Sighting: seeing a Charon; similar to dusk. Clock's ticking to get home.

Crossing Day: The day that marks a year since Crossing. The Triplets' eyes glow electric blue, and they feel glowy in their bones. (Egg-citement)

Hatching Day: Differs by Hold, but becomes the day to show off whatever special project you've been working on. Celebrated on the day the First Clutch was laid in each Hold.

Crafts-kin: kin who craft things

Erdewaz: Earth-that-was

Broodsibs: siblings of nonhuman kin that occur in a brood or clutch

Watcher: kin who watch for Charon approach (up to four per Hold)

Fortnight Worlds: the fourteen planets and seven suns

Dragon-hatched kin: the kin who are born of Onnu

Queen: mated dragoness

Charon's Pass: what equates to nighttime

Elder Dragons: see: Triplets, Triad, Undying Trinity

Judges: kin who mediate disputes that the dragons literally can't see happening

Forta firma: loosely refers to the land on the Fortnight Worlds, in place of "terra firma". Begins to lose its original meaning pretty quickly, as the kin enjoy saying it so much.

Tupin: replaced the word "human"

Firth: replaced the word "earth", as pertains to dirt, soil, etc

The Fall: When Onnu and Trey fell to firth and formed Capitol Hold

Emdief: material made by Greyhold kin that's more like a paper than the wood they were aiming for

Dragonscalers: kin who are on rotation grooming dragons

Dragon: rabbi, teacher, leader

Offkin: Kin who live outside the City

Minram: inns within Holds, named after Minn Max Ramier, of Ramirez Hold

Trueday: 30th day of the month, set aside for rest

Pazday: The day before Trueday, when things are prepared for resting the next day. Projects are paused, hence the name.

Tevijun: television

Orintal: Oriental/Asian

Panniers: padded bits on hips and rump, to ease the pain of sitting

Landed kin: kin without wings

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