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Young slowly walked down the empty halls of Aura High. The school day was over, and he was getting off chore duty, ready to return home; he clutched his books close to his chest with his heavy book bag slowing him down.

Young was one of the most prominent students of Aura; he was at the top of most classes sticking to his studies and himself; Young had light brown hair and rare light green eyes; he was wearing the signature Aura uniform; black pants white undershirt and a light blue suit and tie.

As Young continued to walk down the massive empty hallway, a noise came from the far left-end corner. Young stopped in his tracks, sweat starting to build on his Face, fear slowly forming on his Face; Young had been in this situation before he knew all too well what was about to happen.

Out of the corner, a figure emerged; a dark-skinned feminine figure who was wearing a skirt that barely reached her knees that was black, and her Aura suit was tied around her waist with only her white button-up undershirt covering her; a few buttons around her voluptuous chest which seemed to be popped loose.

She approached Young and, in a Low growl

"Give it to me."

Young was shaking, visibly cowering from the figure that towered over him.

"I-I'm sorry I couldn't finish it. I didn't have enough time." From shear nervousness, he re-adjusted his glasses that were slipping from his sweat-drenched Face

She got closer to him and slammed onto a nearby locker pinning him there

"I-I 'm sorry I swear I'll have it ready by tomorrow, promise!"

She looked dead into his eyes, her bright red hellfire eye penetrating his very being,


She moved her massive paws up from his shirt and around his neck; her sharp claws slowly protruded out, only centimeters away from Young's neck.

"I-I know, please I swear I promise I'll have it ready by tomorrow p-please." Young pleaded, but her grip around his neck only tightened; Young's head, little by little, turned blue; Young started to gasp for breath, snot leaving his nose. Abruptly, she dropped him, causing him to fall onto the marble flooring on his bottom; Young held his neck coughing and gasping for air like a brewing teapot, the hellhound placed her massive foot on his back making him submit into a praying position of sorts.

"I BETTER HAVE WHAT I WANT THE. VERY. NEXT. DAY. YOUNG." She let out an intimidating scowl; she removed her foot from his back and faded away down the long hallway; Young relaxed and let out deep, rapid breaths, his heart pounding and palms sweaty from the encounter with the hellhound; Young made a somber face quietly sobbing as he picked up his books that were now scattered all across the hallway.

Arriving at home, Young threw his book bag down on his deteriorated apartment floor; his home was a single main room and claustrophobic bathroom; in the main room, although the yellow paint peeled from the walls and water leaked from the damp ceiling into a metal bucket on the floor; the space was well kept and organized with a small square table in the middle of the room, the area served as a living room, kitchen, and bedroom with a small futon in the upper right corner of the room.

After settling down, Young entered the bathroom and inspected his neck; his fingers slowly glided up then down along his neck, choke marks visible as day; Young stood there looking at himself in the mirror with a despondent expression, his figure thin and his skin a sickly pale.

"just do what they want, then study..., study..., study..., yes..., it's..., not over yet. I can still win this." Young's Face grew a little warmer.

The Next Day, Young sluggishly walked into the gates of Aura High and waited at the entrance under the smoldering sun; dark baggs were present underneath Young's eyes, and sweat streamed down his face as he patiently waited for something; He looked up to inspect the inflow of students that were entering the school he saw her the hellhound approaching him; he quickly went into his book bag and pulled out a stack of neat papers once he closed his bag and looked back he saw the towering hound dominating over him with a hand on her hip glaring at him with her fire-spewing hellfire eyes.

"E-Everything is here instructions, methods, Answers a-as promised," Young put forth the papers to the hound, and she quickly swiped it out of his hands; for a moment, she flickered her white razor-sharp canine teeth that looked like they could easily tear a human asunder; she flicked through the papers glancing at each one for a brief period once done she glared at Young with a scowl." I Better Get An A" she stormed off merging with another group disappearing in the crowd of students.

Young looked at the ground clenching his chest; not wanting to be late or stay in the smoldering heat, he left to start the first class of the day.

Upon entering the classroom, he can see his teacher Mr.Reak glance at him from across the classroom; he was sitting at an old wooden desk that had a laptop and a pile of papers on it; Mr.Reak looked to be a man in his mid to late forties he wore glasses with grey suit pants with a multi-color sweater to match his oval figure; he had slightly grey strands of hair defecting from light brown hair.

"Mr.White, please hurry and take a seat class is about to start." his monotone voice stretched across the room. Young hurried and made his way towards his seat, which was all the way in the back; no one batted an eye towards Young. They were all-encompassed in their chat or own hobbies.

Young placed his bag down near his desk on the floor and gathered his utensils ready for class, and as if on cue, the bell rang.

"Alright, class, here are your test scores from the open notes test, don't turn them' over until everyone has theirs." Once Mr.Reak passed out the score papers, he was permitted to flip them; eager, Young flipped the paper, and to his relief, a bright green uppercase A shinned proudly on his paper. Young left off a massive smile that illuminated his pale, lifeless Face.

After Hours of dull class and jotting down notes, the bell finally rang for lunch. With vigor, Young lept from his seat and raced to the cafeteria since it was only Tuesday, Young hadn't had the opportunity to eat anything but lunch since yesterday.

Walking down the hallway with a gentle smile on his face, his short moment of peace is disturbed when he hears a deep voice yell his name; he becomes frozen like a statue recognizing it, and suddenly he is pushed against the wall by none other than the hound who looked pissed off.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" Her voice was profound and menacing; she brought up a piece of paper that displayed an, "'A-' "I TOLD YOU TO GET ME AN A!" She grabbed Young's wrist and dragged him away from any other student's and teacher's; her grip was tight causing Young visible pain.
She drove them to a restroom where she forced Young into a stall, enclosing them both in it; Young fell to a potentially contaminated floor, his head only inches away from the toilet; the hound placed her foot on Young's head pressing him up against the brim of the toilet.


"I-I-I, I don't know what you mean I wrote everything perfectly!"




"NO, NO-"

The hound slammed her foot against Young's head, causing him to be crushed between the hound's foot and the brim of the cold ceramic rim of the toilet seat; Young let out cries as he felt the fierce pressure that was being center-pointed towards his head.

The hound removed her foot and picked Young up by the collar, and gave Young a gut-wrenching punch to the abdomen, causing him to collapse instantly, gasping while holding his stomach; the hound lifted Young to his feet the two now standing Face to Face she put her teeth on full display. Young coward and shut his eyes, preparing himself for whatever plans the hound has for him next.

Unbeknownst to Young, the infuriated glare the hound was giving him softened; she dropped him abruptly and backed off. "FORGET IT" She walked out of the stall only to encounter another student just entering the bathroom. She glared at him. "PROBLEM?" he shook his head and quickly got out of her way; she pushed passed him, leaving the restroom.

Young clenched his fist and gritted his teeth; he was left in the stall, his tears falling on the cold white marble flooring.

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