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Young entered the cafeteria looking down, his speed was slow and his posture sluggish, he entered the lunchline which was long and moving slowly, it seemed as though an hour would pass every minute; as usual the lunchroom was loud and the smell of all the different options for food filled the air, Young was in a trans; dazing off in thought; staring into space, it was broken though when he was tapped on the shoulder, it was a girl about the same height as Young, she wore glasses and headphones, she had yellow eyes with tan skin and short brown hair.

"Yo Young, Earth to Young can ya hear me?" Young turned to face her his eyes flew across her.
"Oh hey Bria, sorry I didn't hear you."Bria playfully punched him on his arm.
"Where ya ignoring me or what?" Young put his hand behind his head and turned around from her with a light bead of sweat on the side of his face beginning to fall.

"Nah like I said I just couldn't hear that's all." Bria put up a suspicious stance to his answer and looked at him head to toe, "If ya say so dude... Ay, you gonna move up the line or what?" Young embarrassingly moved up the line it wouldn't be long till it was his turn to self-serve himself some lunch. "So how much you got on the test?" She said taking a chilled posture.
"Actually never mind knowing you it was dumb askin'."
  He let out a slight laugh, "What about you?"  The line finally begins to move again as both Young and Bria continue talking, "My C+ stands tall." He let out another laugh, "That's not bad for you since you never study." Bria quickly retorted, "Shut Up! Ya, damn, nerd!" She folded her arms and looked away from Him.

Finally, it was Young's turn to grab some lunch but Bria pushed over Young's shoulder in order to look at all the food on display; her eyes practically shimmered once they lay upon the food; on the menu, there was an assortment of greens, fruits, bread, grains, and meats. Bria pushed on Young, "Hurry up you slow poke!" "OK OK!"

Young and Bria were able to finally sit down; Bria dug in right away scarfing down food her cheeks full like that of a chipmunk. "THIS 'ESH' Kicking!," Bria said barely able to form words.

Suddenly a loud Bang rang throughout the cafeteria it came from the entrance at its center was a werewolf, she was tall, visibly toned, and had fire-red hair, she was wearing a black tank top with black athletic shorts; the loud chatter of students talking went silent as all eyes were now focused on her, she gave off an aura of no-nonsense as it spilled off from her, she was about to gain more attention when she spoke.

"Listen My name is Arrow Sky from the boxing club! we're looking for new members preferably freshmen but anyone is allowed to join! We'll be holding a sparing match in room 317 so you can get a taste, if anyone is interested come after lunch!" And as abruptly as she came she left, chatter began with light mumbles before returning to its original tone.

"Boxing fell off, but I'm always ready to watch a fight!" Bria said patting her bloated belly with her plate fully clean. "What about you wanna go watch? it could be fun."
Young turned back to face her, he then looked at his plate he had barely touched it the entire time. "I don't know..., maybe just to watch though..." A wide grin formed on Bria's face she then looked at his plate. "You gonna eat that?"



A large crowd of students gathered inside the room the layout was a massive space with a gym and boxing equipment scattered about; the walls were black with white lines lining them but in the center of the room was a boxing ring.
Bria guided Young as she pushed through a sea of people to get a good view of the matches that would soon take place. "I didn't expect so many people to come here. "Young mumbled.

The lights in the room then turned off beside some lights above the stage illuminating it in a spotlight this startled some people but then the same werewolf from before walked on the stage she was wearing the same outfit as before holding two pairs of boxing gloves in one hand and a mic in another.

"Listen up is there anyone who's got the guts to come up here!?" The room was dead silent but then someone raised their hand people made a way to separate themselves from the person; "Come up here!"
The person walked onto stage exposing himself to the spotlight he looked somewhat toned had black hair black eyes and pale; Arrow walked up to him they stood face to face the height difference becoming apparent with Arrow having the advantage, she put the mic forward to him.

"Introduce yourself." He smiled then took the mic, he turned toward the crowd and cleared his throat,
"Hello everyone my name is Riley, I'm a freshman and in middle school, I won the intermediate boxing championship!" He exclaimed; Arrow approached Riley from behind and gestured for the mic,"Give him a round of applause for being the first to accept! The match will start soon!" The room erupted in cheer she than gave the mic to a referee before facing Riley again with a stern look.

"Listen, kid, just because you're freshman and just because you won a few rounds in middle school, boxing shouldn't be taken lightly, especially at Aura High, understand? The match won't end until the bell rings but you should know this already, right?" Riley chuckled before smiling.

"Yeah yeah I understand, but it's just sparring right?"
Riley let out another slight giggle.
"Besides, I guess this makes you my first moving up from intermediate to junior haha! Say what are you? You look kinda familiar."
Arrow looked focused on the match that was about to take place before she responded, "Youth Boxer, get ready," She walked off to her corner waiting for the match to start.

After several minutes of preparation, the bell rang, in the crowd, Bria leaned into Young's ear, "Who ya thinks gonna win, a former champion or the stone-cold wolf?" Before Young could respond the crowd erupted in a wave of disbelief; most of the people present were freshmen with only some being different grades.

On the stage, Arrow was being aggressive, rapidly advancing in on Riley, putting him on the defensive, not even a minute in her stance was balanced, balancing the defense and the offense but her attacks were ruthless.

Arrow was about to throw a punch causing Riley to put up his defense but it was a fake out; instead, she shifted her body weight and switched her body to another position, and with insane speed threw a powerful turning kick to Riley's side right were his liver would be; Riley instantly collapsed, falling on his side, the shocked noise of the crowd instantly grew quiet as a bell was ranged following with a referee halting the match to check up on Riley.

The atmosphere changed completely and there were murmurings in the crowd.
Arrow walked over to her corner where a familiar hound was standing her eyes glowed red in the semi-dark environment she had her arms crossed after watching the match that had just unfolded and with a low growl from her throat, she spoke.
"Great goin' Arrow, I thought we all agreed to go easy on the newbies, they won't join if we look all big en' scary." Arrow glared at her before turning her back on the hound.

"Shut it Alter, I did go easy on him, besides you heard it yourself self the kid said he was a champion, I didn't expect him to fold so easily," the hound spoke more sternly with slight anger hidden in her voice.

"You say that after goin' for the liver, besides he was a human, you should have gone for something like a leg sweep or at least made yourself look like you were strugglin', this is gonna cost us members, ya know that? There aren't many beasts left to go around for sports and all the humans who aren't freshmen are too chicken to join."

Arrow scoffed and only turned her head away from the hound; her eye looking out of the corner to meet Alter's. "Don't patronize me. besides it's too late anyway." Arrow hinted for Alter to turn her attention back to the stage; she saw the sight of Riley being carried on a stretcher, the crowd was silent except for the little few.

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