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"How do you feel?" A blue-winged demon beast monster girl asked. Azure was looking through the curtains; observing the overbearing crowds of people who came to the concert, "I am fine, just worried about her is all." A warm smile sprawled across the demon's face as she watched Azure fidget with the curtain. "Eak informed me of your visit to Homes cafe, don't worry Azure, I'm positive you and she will have plenty of more visits there together."

Azure looked at the demon head hanging low. "She's right you know." A fox in a blue suit said "She raised you, look at you now, she's a tough cookie to crack" She shot him a glance "What's that supposed to mean?" He chuckled walking next to the demon woman. "Nothing Ma'am"

"Careful Eak, you wouldn't want to get on her bad side, would you?" the two began giggling like school girls while Azure only looked at them; eyes narrowed and checks puffed. "A-any way ma'am, Valerie, and Scarlett are already prepared, I came to make sure you were as well," He said wiping a tear. "Yeah, can you have someone at the hospital just keep me updated?"

"Why of course ma'am, right away" The foxed walked off and disappeared down a staircase leaving the two alone again "This it, you and the other girl's big day after so many years not being in the spotlight, I must admit, I feel nervous myself and I'm not even performing!"

"Hey Azure!" a voice called; revealing the redhead Scarlett and the pale Valerie trailing not too far behind. "Finally had your beauty rest Sleeping beauty? causeway to go on making us wait." Azure scoffed "Finally finished stuffing your face?"

"Erm..." Scarlett quickly wiped her crumble-covered mouth; getting some on her grandiloquent woven red dress. "If you keep going the way you're going Scarlett, you'll be one of the not-so-many reasons why they invented double doors, so I won't sugar coat this for you, cause if I did you'll eat it, You're getting fat" she deadpanned.

"Oh shut up!" she said; stomping over to Azure and getting personal. "You think you're so funny, don't you?" Azure shrugged shaking her head "Funny? it's a simple and objective fact, I'm not trying to be funny, wouldn't want your heart to give out before the show if I made you laugh," Scarlett gritted her teeth more while Azure stared at her smirking; lighting strike practically colliding with each other's gazes.

The demon woman laughed at the little preshow they put on display, "Well the mood certainly has been lightened, for what it's worth..." The bickering between the two eventually stopped; allowing Valerie to talk to Azure. "Here you go Azure, the earpiece" Azure took it from her; a soft "Thanks" escaping her as she put it on.

"Well the show starts in ten, I hope you're all ready?" the demon said hiding away backstage "I was born ready, unlike some people," Scarlett said sticking a tongue out at Azure "Ew, close you're mouth before you give me high blood sugar," The redhead looked away; steam flying out her ears.

"I'll take that as a yes then, break a leg out there you guys!" she said giving the three a thumbs up.

A loud energetic voice suddenly boomed from the other side of the blue curtains. "Put you're hands together, for the one. The only. Butterflies!" The massive curtain fluttered up; thousands if not tens of thousands of people filled the concert seats; anthro, human, and beast alike all cheering and waving colored lights.

Scarlett swings a lava-colored electro guitar from around her back; grinning ear to ear, Valerie does the same, but her being an icy blue; her expression being a warm inviting smile; despite the cool colors she fashions head to toe; as the both move towards their mic. Azure strides to the center mic; unplugging it from its stand; Azure seemed to be in two places at once but never less focused on the crowd.

"Who's ready to Rumble!" She shouted; the crowd roared in response; the stadium lights shut off for only thousands of LEDs and PAR lights to fill its place; along with a plethora of other colored light beams that wrapped around the entire stadium interior. Valerie and Scarlett let their guitars rip; as booming background music also commenced playing. Valerie was the first to sing.

"In this realm, where we search and explore, you've seen a discovery like never before. With you're head in the clouds, you're mind starts to soar, unveiling truths that you couldn't ignore"

The crowd listens in amazement; simmering down so her words can reach them; some of the concertgoers shouting "We love you!" or "Marry me!" Valeries's voice was ethereal and cold; emotion was put forth in every word she spoke; the lights flashing white and blue as if a snowstorm was taking place.

"Evil deceitful whispers, like venom in the air, their whispering to you stop now"

Scarlett suddenly begins; her voice and the changing of music turn Valerie's cold and distant segment into a booming one; the music raging with her as well as she strings her guitar in rapid fashion; the music overpowering the roaring crowd, the lights a displaying an inferno red.

"Don't you think you're slowly dying! day by day they treat you like an animal, do you know the reason why, why they never let you sleep at night? and you're running around in circles."

Unlike Valerie, the crowd was much rowdier; matching her energy; while backstage; the demon and fox could only grin as they watched the three perform on a large TV; the two sitting on a couch. "This is it, I'm glad they could finally perform, and that I'm here now," Eak told the demon; she crossed her legs; leaning into him; smug written on her face; "You're just saying that so you can finally have some alone time with me aren't you?"

"That obvious?" he said looking away; she chuckled leaning in more "Too. Obvious"

Back on stage, Scarlett was finishing her segment with the same energy ongoing.

"I crept into your heart, you can't make me disappear till I make you, you'll never know what hit you!"

The music died down; in the process going through all sorts of sounds pleasing to the ear before returning to the familiar cold segment of Valerie

"All day and all night, you lay about and wonder what you're gonna do, you speak to you're self, and the conversation wonders who you're talking to, and sadness takes over, and sadness wonders what you're gonna do, it's close to midnight, something evils is lurking in the dark, under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart, you try to scream, but you're paralyzed!"

The music booms to life as Azure finally begins her segment; the crowd cheers louder than ever before; she starts singing but her earpiece comes to life; a feminine voice coming from the other side. "Hello, I was told by a Lauren Baker to call this number, I have a message" Azure sings as she listens to the woman speak, but she hears something that makes her world stop.

"It's about your mother, Violet Sky...I regret to inform you that she passed away earlier this night...If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call again or stop by Mcain Hospital... We've already notified other spouses and relatives...Bye"

She wanted to cry; she wanted to ball her eyes out and end the show; but she knew she couldn't; her mom brought her to where she is today; she had done so much for her despite the way she had acted; she could only wish that she would have been a better daughter, so she'll sing, she'll sing for them, for her, she'll put a smile on their face, she will make her proud.

"Sometimes I hate, the life I made, everything is wrong every time, pushing on I can't escape everything that comes my way is haunting me taking its sweet time... I missed you! I'm sorry, I'll give you, what I have, I'll show you, I am growing, the ashes, fall slowly, as you're voice consoles me!"

She will make her proud.

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