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As I laid my eyes on Parisa, I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement mixed with a tinge of fear. Her beauty was undeniable, with her flowing hair and piercing brown eyes that glared at me with anger and hatred. It was as if she was a caged tiger, ready to strike at any moment. But I was the one holding the key to her freedom.

"You can fight all you want, Parisa, but you can't deny the truth. You belong to me," I said with a smirk, my words laced with confidence.

"Belong to you? You're delusional!" she spat back at me, her voice filled with venom.

I couldn't help but feel a flicker of desire as I watched her lips curl into a snarl. Her anger only made her more alluring, like a rose with thorns that only added to its beauty.

"Such fire in those eyes," I chuckled, taking a step closer to her. "But don't worry, my dear. You'll come to see things my way soon enough."

I could feel the tension in the air as she continued to glare at me, but I didn't flinch. I was determined to make her mine, even if it meant breaking her spirit in the process.

As she pushed me away, I could see the fear in her eyes. She didn't know me, and that terrified her. But I wasn't going to let her go. Not when I had finally found her.

"You don't even know me, Zyyad!" Parisa spat, her voice laced with anger and disgust. "And I hope I never have the misfortune of crossing paths with you again!"

I could see the panic in her eyes as she looked around, searching for a way to escape. But there was no way out. She was mine.

"You should be grateful, Parisa," I said, my tone cold and calculating. "I could give you everything you ever wanted. But you choose to insult me instead."

I took a step closer, looming over her. "You will come to learn that I am not someone to be trifled with. And if your family is looking for you, they would do well to mind their own business."

I could see the defiance in her eyes, but I knew that she was scared. And that was exactly the way I wanted her to feel. She would learn to love me, or she would suffer the consequences.

Her body was tense, ready to fight me off at any moment. But I didn't let it deter me. I moved closer, and I could feel her heart racing, her breathing quickening. Her body was betraying her, giving in to my proximity.

"You can fight all you want, Parisa," I said, my voice low and dangerous. "But you can't deny the pull between us."

She glared at me, her eyes blazing with anger. "I will never belong to you, Zyyad. I'll fight you until my dying breath."

I chuckled, taking a step closer. "You say that now, but we both know that deep down, you crave the power that I hold over you."

Her body trembled as I reached out to touch her, my fingers grazing her cheek. "You can't resist me, Parisa. Your body tells me everything I need to know."

She jerked away from my touch, but I could see the desire burning in her eyes. She wanted me, even if she didn't want to admit it.

I leaned in close, whispering in her ear. "You can't deny what you feel, Parisa. Let yourself go, and I promise you won't regret it."

She pushed me away, but I could see the uncertainty in her eyes. She was fighting a losing battle, and I was determined to win.

I watched her leave with a sense of satisfaction. Parisa may have fought against me, but I knew that she would eventually come to accept her place by my side. She was a challenge, a puzzle that I was determined to solve.

I took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of her fear and anger that still lingered in the air. It was intoxicating, driving me to want her even more. I knew that I had to be patient, to give her time to come to terms with her new reality.

But I wouldn't wait forever. I had plans for Parisa, plans that would ensure that she never left my side again. And I would do whatever it took to make those plans a reality.

Parisa's face contorted with anger, her eyes blazing like wildfire as she glared at me. I could see the rise and fall of her chest as her breathing became quick and shallow, like a caged animal fighting for its freedom. Her body trembled with the effort of holding back her emotions, like a dam ready to burst at any moment.

The veins in her neck bulged as she gritted her teeth, like a coiled serpent ready to strike. Her fists were clenched so tightly that her knuckles turned white, like a vice grip crushing any hope of escape.

Despite her fierce resistance, I could sense the vulnerability beneath her anger. Her tears threatened to spill over, like a storm brewing on the horizon. I knew that I had to tread carefully, like a hunter stalking his prey, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Her tears fell like raindrops from a dark and cloudy sky, and her eyes resembled a pair of deep, sorrowful pools that threatened to drown me in their depths. The brown of her irises was like warm, melted chocolate, but now they were clouded with pain and despair. They flickered like dying embers, struggling to hold onto the last remaining light of hope.

As her tears cascaded down her cheeks, they left trails like tiny streams carving their way through a forest, leaving behind a trail of destruction in their wake. The mascara that had once adorned her lashes now smeared beneath her eyes, making it seem as though she had been in a fierce battle that left her defeated.

Her sobs were like thunderclaps, each one more powerful than the last, reverberating through my entire being. She shook with every sob, like a tree in a storm, and I could feel the weight of her emotions bearing down on me. It was as if she was a fragile porcelain doll, shattered into a million pieces, and I was the one responsible for breaking her.

But even through her tears and pain, she still managed to hold onto a hint of defiance. Her jaw was set, and her brow furrowed in anger, as if daring me to try and break her further. It was a sign of her resilience, a reminder that she was still fighting even when all seemed lost.

I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of awe at her strength, even as I caused her pain. And yet, I knew that I couldn't let her go. Not now, not ever.

Her tears pierced through me like a thousand arrows, each one piercing my heart. I wanted to take her in my arms, to hold her close and chase away all of her pain. I wanted to be her shelter from the storm, her rock in the tumultuous sea.

I could see the vulnerability in her eyes, and it made me want to protect her even more fiercely. I wanted to be the one to wipe away her tears, to hold her hand and lead her into a brighter tomorrow.

I approached her slowly, my heart aching with the weight of her sadness. As I reached out to her, my fingers grazing her cheek, I could feel the weight of her pain lifting, if only slightly.

"Let me take care of you, Parisa," I whispered. "Let me be the one to make it all better."

She looked up at me, her eyes searching mine for some kind of solace. I saw the hesitation in her gaze, the fear that kept her from fully trusting me. But I was determined to show her that she could trust me, that I would never let her down.

I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close to me. I could feel the warmth of her tears on my chest, and it only made me hold her tighter. I wanted to shield her from everything that could ever hurt her, to keep her safe in my embrace.

"You don't have to go through this alone, Parisa," I murmured into her hair. "I'll be here for you, always."

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