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Z Y A A D 

As I held Parisa in my arms, it felt like I was holding a wild animal that was on the verge of breaking free. Her body was tense and her breaths were short and sharp, as if she was ready to pounce at any moment. But then something changed, and it was like the animal inside of her was tamed. She relaxed against me, like a bird that had finally found its way back to its nest.

Her lips were soft and warm against mine, like the first rays of sunlight on a chilly morning. And as our tongues intertwined, it was like two streams of water flowing into each other, creating a powerful current that could not be stopped. I could feel her heartbeat pounding against my chest, like the beat of a drum that was calling out to me.

For a brief moment, it was as if time had stopped and there was only the two of us in the world. The rest of the world faded away, like a painting that was slowly being erased by the wind. In that moment, I knew that I would do anything to keep her by my side, even if it meant breaking all the rules and defying all conventions.

But as I reluctantly let her go, I could feel the fleeting nature of our connection. It was like trying to hold onto a handful of sand, slipping through my fingers no matter how tightly I clenched. And even though she seemed to have softened for a moment, I knew that it was only a matter of time before the wildness inside her would return, and I would once again be fighting for control.

For a fleeting moment, I lost myself in the sweetness of her lips and the fire in her touch. It was as if the world around us ceased to exist, and there was only the two of us in that moment. But as the embrace ended and Parisa withdrew, I was reminded of the harsh reality that awaited me. It was like a dark cloud had descended upon us, casting a shadow over any glimmer of hope for reconciliation. Despite the brief respite, the weight of my guilt and her mistrust crushed me like an anchor dragging me down to the depths of the sea.

As Parisa disappeared into the distance, I felt a knot of emotions twisting inside me like a tangled ball of yarn. Regret, frustration, and a deep sense of helplessness all mingled together in a bitter cocktail. I had been foolish to think that a single kiss could erase the damage I had done, that a few moments of tenderness could make up for months of imprisonment and control. Parisa was like a wild bird, determined to fly free from my grasp no matter how tightly I tried to hold on. And in the end, I knew that I was the one who had clipped her wings, who had trapped her in a cage of my own making. As I watched her disappear from sight, I could feel the weight of my mistakes settling heavily on my shoulders like a leaden cloak.


As Zyyad pulled me into his arms and kissed me, I was initially taken aback by the suddenness of it all. But as the warmth of his body pressed against mine, and his lips moved against mine with a tenderness I had never experienced before, I found myself giving into the moment. His hands moved gently down my back, pulling me even closer to him, and I could feel my heart racing with excitement and confusion.

The sensation of his lips on mine was overwhelming, yet somehow comforting at the same time. It was my first kiss, and I knew that it was supposed to be special, but I never would have expected it to happen like this. Despite the fear and uncertainty that still lingered in my mind, I found myself drawn to Zyyad in a way that I couldn't fully explain. For just a moment, it felt like the rest of the world had disappeared, and we were the only two people left in existence.

But as the kiss came to an end, and Zyyad released me from his embrace, I could feel my mind beginning to clear. The reality of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks, and I knew that I couldn't let myself be swayed by his sudden display of affection. No matter how much my body may have wanted it, my heart knew that I could never truly trust him again.

Z Y Y A D 

As I pounded on the door, the sound echoing through the empty halls like a mournful bell tolling for my mistakes, I felt like a prisoner begging for release. My heart was heavy with regret, a weight that threatened to drag me down into the depths of despair. And with each passing moment, the hope that Parisa might answer dwindled, leaving me alone with my guilt.

But then, just when I thought that all was lost, I heard the sound of the lock turning, like a key unlocking the chains that bound me. And there she was, standing before me like an angel of mercy, her eyes flickering with a mix of anger and sadness.

Parisa's face was a canvas of emotions, a landscape of raw and unfiltered feelings that she couldn't seem to contain. Her once bright and lively brown eyes were now red and puffy, as if they had been stung by a thousand bees. They were swollen and tired, like two pools of sorrow reflecting the pain she felt inside. Her mascara had run down her cheeks, creating a dark trail of tears that highlighted the hollows of her cheeks. The bags under her eyes were like heavy weights that she could barely carry, evidence of the sleepless nights she had spent tossing and turning, haunted by the memories of our troubled past. Her lips, once full and vibrant, were now dry and cracked, as if they had been deprived of moisture for too long. They trembled slightly as she tried to hold back her tears, as if they were afraid of betraying her emotions. Her skin, usually warm and radiant, was now pale and lifeless, like a statue drained of its vitality. She looked like a ghost, a mere shadow of the lively and confident woman she used to be, haunted by the demons of her past.

At first, she didn't respond, simply staring at me with a cold expression. But then, to my relief, she finally spoke."Fine," she said, her voice laced with barely-contained anger. "But you're going to have to earn my forgiveness."

As she spoke, her words felt like icicles piercing through my heart, threatening to shatter it into a million pieces. But then, like a ray of sunshine breaking through storm clouds, she offered me a chance at redemption. It was a flicker of hope in the midst of a dark and stormy night. And as I eagerly agreed to her request, it felt like a seed of hope had been planted in the barren soil of our relationship. As I walked out of her apartment, the weight on my shoulders felt a little lighter, like a burden lifted from my weary soul. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance to mend what had been broken.

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