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My legs raced like lightning, carrying me away with such speed that the world around me blurred into an indistinguishable haze. My heart was a drum, pounding a wild rhythm within my chest, urging me on with each thunderous beat. The adrenaline surged through me like a raging river, fueling my body with a raw, primal energy that pushed me beyond my limits. Despite the ache in my legs and the burning in my lungs, I refused to slow down. I was determined to outrun my fears and leave my captor behind.

As I sprinted, my eyes darted around like a caged animal, desperate to find a break in the bars that held me captive. My mind raced like a speeding car, plotting every possible escape route. The pounding of my heart was like a hammer against an anvil, fueling me with a fiery determination to break free. My legs felt like they were made of lead, dragging me down with each step, but the fear that gripped me was like a gust of wind at my back, pushing me forward. I was like a hunted prey, driven by an unrelenting urge to survive, no matter the cost.

As I approached the fence, I felt a surge of determination and excitement. It was like a beacon of freedom, a shining light in the midst of my darkness. My heart pounded with anticipation as I assessed the height and strength of the barrier. But I refused to be deterred, and I summoned all my strength and courage to launch myself over the obstacle. It was a moment of triumph, a symbol of my resilience and unyielding spirit in the face of adversity.

I pushed myself beyond my limits, my feet slamming against the earth like a drumbeat as I sprinted towards the fence. Zyyad's footsteps echoed in the distance like a menacing symphony, but I refused to let fear paralyze me.

I lunged towards the towering fence, its rough surface like the skin of a dragon, and began to climb, my fingers like desperate talons seeking purchase. The adrenaline in my veins was a wildfire, fueling my every move as I clawed my way upwards. But just as my hopes ignited like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Zyyad's hand snatched me back down, like a ferocious predator pouncing on its prey.

As my body hit the ground, a wave of agony shot through me, as if I had been struck by lightning. My shoulder screamed with pain, and I knew that something was seriously wrong. I gasped for breath, my lungs struggling to take in air as I tried to fight off the overwhelming sense of despair that threatened to consume me.

Through the haze of tears, I could see Zyyad looming over me, his face twisted into a cruel sneer. His grip on my ankle was like a vise, cutting off my circulation and leaving me feeling helpless and trapped. It was as if he was some kind of monstrous predator, toying with his prey before delivering the final blow.

Despite the pain, I refused to give up. I kicked and thrashed, trying to break free from his grasp, but it was no use. Zyyad was too strong, too determined to let me go. I could feel his hot breath on my face, his words like poison in my ear as he whispered his threats and promises of revenge.

But even as he spoke, I knew that I would never surrender to him. I would fight until my dying breath, refusing to be caged like some helpless animal. No matter how much he tried to break me, I would never give up my freedom.

As Zyyad's lips met mine, it felt like a bolt of lightning coursing through my body, igniting a fire that I never knew existed. It was as if we were two puzzle pieces finally fitting together, completing each other in a way that nothing else could. Our bodies pressed together, like two magnets drawn to each other, and in that moment, everything else faded away. It was just the two of us, lost in a world of our own making, a world of passion and desire.

I felt my body betray me as I melted into his embrace, my lips responding eagerly to his. It was as if all the anger and fear I had felt just moments ago had dissipated, leaving only a strange sense of longing in its wake. I couldn't believe I was enjoying this, couldn't believe I was allowing myself to be swept away by the very man who had kidnapped me. And yet, as his hands roamed over my body, sending shivers down my spine, I couldn't bring myself to care. All I wanted was to lose myself in him, to forget about everything else and just feel.

I stood there, frozen in time, as his lips met mine. It was like a hurricane of conflicting emotions, both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. His embrace was like a lifeline, pulling me under and sweeping me away. I was lost in a whirlwind of sensation, unable to resist the pull of his touch.

As his kiss deepened, I felt myself starting to let go, to surrender to the moment. It was like a tidal wave of pleasure crashing over me, overwhelming and all-consuming. In that instant, I forgot about everything else - the fear, the pain, the anger - and allowed myself to be swept away by the passion of the moment.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, it was over. Zyyad pulled away from me, his eyes searching mine for some kind of response. And all I could do was stare back at him, my heart racing and my mind reeling with confusion.

I could feel the heat of his body fading away, leaving me cold and alone once again. The kiss was just a fleeting moment of warmth in a sea of icy manipulation. My heart sank as I realized that I was still trapped, still under his power.

I broke away from him and ran as fast as I could, my heart full of anger and betrayal. I locked myself in a room and refused to come out, even as Zyyad begged for my forgiveness.

I could hear his voice through the door, pleading with me to open up and talk to him. But I couldn't bring myself to trust him again. The pain and fear he had caused me were too great.

I curled up on the floor, my mind racing with thoughts of escape and revenge. I vowed to myself that I would find a way out of this place, no matter what it took. And when I did, Zyyad would regret ever crossing me.

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