Chapter 1

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Scars pov:

Its all white and then it wasn't. Thats the best way i can describe it. Ringing filled my ears as I squinted through my blurry vision. Others as confused as i was looked around trying to make sense of the surroundings. I don't recognise a single one of them. A girl with ginger hair and a face as white as snow, a boy with a bright red tshirt and sunglasses, i could have kept going. There was loads of us all lying in a circle on dirt.

Suddenly, a guy with a red sweater stood and walked to the middle of the circle. A book caught my eye and I assumed that that was what the boy had seen too. My suspicions were correct when he crouched down and picked it up.

"Uh- should i read this out to you guys? It seems to have instructions of some sort."
Most of us had sat up by now and some, including me, nodded in agreement to the blondes suggestion.

"Greetings all. You are all gathered here today to help us with an exciting experiment. You will all notice the necklaces around your necks," i looked down clasping the curious jewel that was shining green around my neck, "this its an indication of your life. Green is safe. When you die it turns yellow and then red. Once you are red this will be your final chance to claim victory by being the last alive. Red players will experience mind altering technology that will enhance their need to kill. Beware of these individuals. After your time is up you will be spending time with us until your ready to go to the next games. Good luck." The blonde frowned looking up at all of us.

Thats when the ringing came back and the infinite white took over.

And then i was back. In the middle of a desert with nothing but dark blue denim trousers and no shirt. I felt my heart rate increase alarmed at the situation i had found myself in. What do i do now? Where do i even start?

I stood up and took in my surroundings. There was no one in sight so i started running. The sooner i find someone the better. I weaved and dodged the cactuses and stepped right into the forest. I found a tree and started my ascent so i could see if anyone was close by. A barrier shined down in the shape of a cube on all four areas of the plain. There was one desert one massive forest and a village in the distance. Thats when i saw the ginger haired girl from earlier. My eyes widened in alarm as i practically fell out of the tree i was in to catch up with her.

"Hey! Wait!" I shouted as loud as possible. She seemed to hear me as she stopped and looked all around her frantically. I finally caught up to her panting like a maniac.
"Are you okay?" She says frowning at me curiously.
"Yeah I'm fine, i have been looking for other people for ages. You're the first person i saw." I wiped sweat off my face looking desperately into her eyes hoping she would take pity on me and stick around.
"Oh i see! Come with me i found some others already, my name is Cleo by the way."
"Scar." I say following her to a hole in the ground with a door on the front. We walked in and i was met with two other guys that i saw in the ring earlier.
"Guys this is Scar, Scar this is Bdubs and Impulse."
I waved sheepishly at the two gentlemen. Impulse waved back first. He had dark hair like me with a black and yellow shirt on. Bdubs coward behind him smiling sweetly at me. He looked like he had been in a few fights in the past because his face was puffy and purple in places plus he was missing a tooth.

"So do you guys know each other from before... you know?" I asked.
"No," Cleo replied "Though strangely we all connected instantly as if we have spoken before." Impulse and Bdubs nodded looking from me to Cleo.
"That is strange... have you guys explored the rest of the land yet? I saw from the tree i was in before that we are in some kind of cube box."
"I came from a village maybe we should go there and see if we can find the others?" Impulse suggested.
"Sure, lets go." I say leaving through the shambles of a base we were in.
Once we got the the village we immediately spotted another group of people and it looks like that was the rest of the population of the server.
803 Words

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