Tony Perry - The Neighbours

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"Marina! Wake up - the new neighbours will be here in a minute." My mum snapped opening the curtains in my room. I hid under my covers as the bright morning light flooded my room, illuminating every glossy poster on the walls.

"Why do I have to wake up too? You're going to be there, right?" I groaned, rolling out of bed.

"You have to wake up because I need to be in a meeting in fifteen minutes," Mum sighed. She sat on my bed as I pulled on some old joggers and a big hoddie. "Look, I know you don't like new people all that much, but please do this. For me? I think you'll like them - I saw them moving in yesterday and I saw two of them had tattoos." I sighed and nodded, laughing as my Mum thanked me again and left my room, shouting orders at someone down her phone.

I walked over to my mirror and decided to tie my hair up. If two of them had tattoos, they're probably hot. Fact of life. I admired my red hair as I pulled it into a bobble, messing with my orange fringe to make it sit right. My Mum didn't see why I wanted it done like that, but she said it's 'grown on her'. I changed my nose stud for a silver ring, making sure it sat right. I sighed and wandered downstairs, falling into my usual kitchen seat.

"One very strong, definitely not decaf, coffee." Mum said, handing me a large mug filled with energy. I needed coffee to survive in the mornings. I sighed as the hot liquid rushed passed my lips, smiling as my Mum handed me a plate of pancakes. "To say thank you."

"You do realize how you lucky you are that I didn't just go back to sleep?" I asked, drowning my pancakes in syrup. "I mean, I could have just left the neighbours outside, and you wouldn't have even known because you're going in like five minutes."

"But you won't because you are the best daughter in the world." Mum said, rushing around the kitchen. "I've got to go now, I should be back in a couple of hours, but if I'm not I'll text you and let you know, okay?"

"Yeah, Mum. See you later!" I managed to call just as she slammed the front door. It had only been a year since we were the new people in the neighbourhood. I know how nerveracking it is walking up to someone's house you've never met before. I slipped off the chair and put my now empty plate in the dishwasher, moving to sit on the couch. I flipped through the channels for a while, but nothing caught my eye so I turned it off and ended up putting my iPod on.

 Everyone said I'd grow out of my 'music phase'. I got really into music when I was twelve, and it's been with me ever since. It was hard to explain to people why it meant so much to me. Why I'd watch every video and interview, just because they made me smile. People didn't understand that I just loved them. They'd ask me if I was alright, ask me if I needed to 'talk to someone about any problems I'm having'. The truth is, I just love music and the people that make it.

I smiled as one of my favourite songs, Hell Above, came on shuffle. Pierce The Veil had been my favourite band ever since I saw one of their interviews. I checked their music out and fell in love with them. I never usually had favourite members of bands, but Tony Perry is probably my favourite person in the world. What I would do to meet them - I'd give my right arm! I sighed as I fell back on my couch, knowing that I'd probably never meet my idols. 

Just as I'd accepted the fact that my idols will never know who I was, the doorbell rang. Great, I thought, New people. I sighed and got up, not bothering to turn down my iPod that I'd changed to Pierce The Veil's album, Collide With The Sky. As I got closer to the front door I heard voices laughing. Men, not old, but not young either. 

"Hey, shut up! I see someone behind the door!" One of the hissed, the others staying quiet after that. I shook my head and opened the door, nearly falling over when I saw the four men staring back at me.

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