Ben Bruce - More Than A One-Night Thing

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"What are you doing tonight?" My best friend, Caitlin, asked as she walked into my house.

"Please, come in." I said sarcastically. "Nothing up to now, why?"

"Because I'm having a few friends over at mine and you're coming." I love Caitlin, don't get me wrong but sometimes she could be... Blunt. She was like a firework, a lot of energy and aggression packed into a tiny little thing. She was barely five foot two but would take on anyone, anywhere, even if she'd lose. But she was loyal, and she'd do anything for the people she loved. She'd talk to anyone, take a chance on anything. I admired her for that.

I was the complete opposite. Personality and looks. My blonde hair and blue eyes contrasted so much with her dyed red hair and hazel eyes. I was shy and awkward around most people, which led me to hate things where I had to talk to people. I just couldn't do it. I was just as loyal, and loved my friends and family to pieces, but I didn't like taking chances.

"Come on Jade! When was the last time you went to anything that even remotely resembled a party?" Caitlin asked, eyeing me suspisciously.

"But this isn't a party, you said a few friends." I muttered.

"Exactly! It's not even a party," She sighed. "Look, there's five people coming tonight. Six including me and seven including you."

"I don't have a choice, do I?" I asked, defeated. Caitlin smiled and shook her head, meaning I didn't. "Can I at least-"

"No, you can not take your book."

"Fine." I sighed. Caitlin clapped her hands together and stood up, pulling me with her. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"Upstairs. You need to pick out an outfit and then you're coming to mine, someone really wants to meet you." She winked, rumaging through my wardrobe.


"Well, I met up with Ben and Cam the other day, and I was talking about the other weekend when we went out and you started dancing on the bar and-"

"You didn't?!" I gasped, hands covering my face as I felt my cheeks burn crimson.

"I did, and they thought it was fucking awesome. They were dying to meet you, so I said they can. Ben especially hasn't stopped bugging me about it. He keeps asking about you." She shrugged, throwing clothes at me. "Now, get your make up and lets go. The guys will be at mine in two hours."

"Two hours! Why didn't you give me more notice?" I demanded, following my annoying best friend back downstairs.

"Because I know you, and I know you'd make up an excuse to get out of it."

I sighed and locked the door behind me as Caitlin pulled me to her car, "You're a bitch. You know that, right?"

"But you still love me!"

The half hour ride to Caitlin's house mainly consisted of Caitlin telling me how amazing her friends were, how much I was going to love them, how much alcohol we would be drinking and how funny 'the guys' are when drunk. When we arrived at her house, she practically dragged me up the drive and up to her room, sitting me down on the bed.

"What time is it, Jade?"

"Five thirty." I said, absentmindedly playing with the zip on my hoodie. "What time are your friends getting here?"

"Seven, I think. What are you wearing?"

"Whatever you pick for me, I guess. Normally works like that." I laughed as Caitlin nodded, looking at my clothes she brought for me. After about five minutes, I found myself holding a pair of dark blue high waisted shorts, a plain white tank top and a leather jacket."Here, wear these shoes." I caught a pair of black wedge boots, inspecting them closely.

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