Jaime Preciado - Lie Under The Stars

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I smiled as I loaded all my photographs onto my laptop. I'd just got back from a weekend away and I'd made the most of it by filling three times the memory on my camera. I started singing my phone buzzed, signalling I had a text.

Jaime: Hey beautiful, I've missed you. Pick you up at 8 tonight?x 

My smiled widened as I stared at my phone screen. I'd been dating Jaime Preciado for a few weeks now, but it's still not 'serious' or whatever the hell that is. We'd met while I was working. The photography place I work for specialised in music and bands. My boss told me I was going to cover a gig and Jaime kept trying to get my attention.

He even took one of Tony's pics from his mic stand and threw it at me. When I looked at him he smiled and winked at me.

After the show finished I went backstage to take some more photos and I got talking to Jaime. I found out that we were both very similar in that we enjoy every minute of life, grabbing it with both hands. Just as I was about to leave, Jaime threw his phone at me and told me to put my number in. I did and he called me the next day, and we've been dating ever since. That was three months ago.

Laura: Hi, I've missed you too. Yeah, 8 sounds good what are we doing?x

Jaime: It's a surprise;)x

Laura: How will I know what to wear? What if I come and I'm wearing the worst thing possible?x

Jaime: Hmm... Guess!;)x

I groaned and threw my phone down on my bed. What was I supposed to wear if I didn't know what I was doing? I guess I'd just have to wing it. I called up Mike, Jaime's band mate. After we'd starting dating we all became pretty close, but Mike and I were like brother and sister. We just clicked.

"Hey, how was your weekend?" Mike asked as soon as he picked up the phone.

"It was good," I smiled. "I've got loads of great pictures. But that's not the point, I have a question."

"Well, you need to tell me the question. I'm not telepathic or some shit like that."

"You're such a dick," I rolled my eyes but remembered he couldn't actually see me so asked him the question. "Jaime text me before and said he's taking me out, but he won't tell me where."

"Is that supposed to be a question?" Mike asked.

"No, well yes, but- Ugh! Do you know where he's taking me?"

"I do." Mike said, a smirk audible in his voice. I waited for him to tell me but there was just silence.


"So what?"

I sighed, falling down on my bed, "Are you going to tell me?"


"Why not?"

"It's a surprise."

"Mike!" I shouted, getting irratated as I heard his hysterical laughing on the other end of the phone. "Just tell me? Ive got a dilemma here."

"I can't, Jaime made us all swear not to tell you." I groaned and Mike laughed a little again. "Fine, what's your dilemma?"

"I don't know what to wear. What if it's this fancy restaurant and I turn up in jeans?"

"Wear something nice, but casual. A dres or something you'd wear normally."

"Is that it?" I asked. "No clue as to where he's taking me?"

"Nope, have fun!"

"You really annoy me, Mike." I huffed.

"Oh, but Laura you love me!"

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