Zack Merrick - I'm Not Lying Now

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"At least try and get along with him, for me?" Jack asked sweetly as he helped me pack for tour. Jack Barakat had been my best friend since pre school, and I go on most tours with his band, All Time Low, to support him.

"I'll try, but he's such a jerk!" I moaned, throwing in a pair of shorts. "I don't know why he hates me so much."

"He doesn't hate you."

I looked at my best friend with my head tilted, a bored expression on my face, "Ever since he came over for that first practice years ago he's hated me and you know it. Alex and Rian know it, you know it, I know it."

"Who hates you now?" I turned around to see him there, leaning on the doorframe of my bedroom with a contemptuous look on his face. Zack Merrick.

"Wouldn't you like to know," I mumbled, sliding my wardrobe door shut with a thud. "Get out."

"Or what?" He smirked at me and walked in, sitting on my bed.

"Zack, just leave it, man." Jack said tiredly.

"Why should I?" He asked, looking through my suitcase. He picked up one of my bras and winked at me, looking me up and down. I threw him a glare and ripped my bra from his grasp, stuffing it back in my suitase.

"You're such a dick, what have I ever done to you?" I asked. He glared at me, stood up and started to walk away. "No, tell me, you stupid prick!"

"You're such a bitch, stay away from me on this tour." I stared in disbelief as Zack slammed my bedroom door, swearing his way down the corridor.

"Don't ask me to get along with that, because it's not going to happen." I said coldly to Jack before zipping up my suitcase and dragging it through the house, onto the bus where I retreated to my bunk straight away.

A little while later Rian appeared at my bunk, pulling me out, "Come on, you can't stay in here forever." He smiled at me, and sat me down in the front lounge with Alex and Vinny, the merch guy.

"Guys, I'd rather just stay in my bunk for today." I said, struggling to stand up with Alex pulling me back down.

"No way, just sit with us. Please?" I laughed at Alex's puppy dog face, nodding in agreement.

"Fine, I'll stay." I smiled my thanks as Rian passed me a bottle of water, relaxing as the ice cold liquid ran down my throat. "Where's Jack?" I looked around, all three guys avoiding my eyes.

"That bitch!" My head snapped around as I heard someone shout from the end of the bus, a moment later Zack stormed into the kitchen area, where we were sat.

"Did you put him up to that?" He questioned, pointing his finger dangerously close to my face. I looked at Jack who had just arrived next to Zack, giving me an apologetic look.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said calmly, sipping at my water. "And I'd appreciate it if you'd stop pointing, it's rude." He let out a frustrated growl before grabbing my water bottle and throwing it down the length of the bus.

"What the hell do you think you're playing at?" I shouted, standing up and pushing him back with all my force. 

He barely moved.

"Sit down and let me talk!" Zack shouted. 

"Zack, chill out." Vinny said, standing up.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" I asked him visiously. "I'm fucking twenty five years old, do not tell me what to do, you got that? Why do you hate me so much, what have I ever done to you?"

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