Chapter 2: Exposing The Schnee Dust Company

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Opening Theme:

3rd person's POV

Kenji and Mezha were seen in heaven walking around as Mezha told him everything he did and warned the league of darkness if they come after him, Shaiver and their families?

Kenji: Seriously, you did that?

Mezha: Yep, I did

Kenji: Wow, man.

Mezha: Hey, I gotta make sure my sister's husband and her family is safe from those idiots.

Kenji: I can understand that, but still...

Mezha; If it's about what happened back then, it's fine. We moved on.

Kenji: Alright then

Mezha: So, any luck on gaining your past lives' powers?

This made Kenji stop in his tracks and sigh.

He had a feeling that Mezha's would ask him that question, unfortunately he wont like the answer.

Kenji: No, not really

Ever since Kenji got his memories of his past lives back, he's been training every day and night, months and years to gain his powers back but to no luck.

Mezha: Hmmm, odd.

Kenji nodded in agreement, it really did make no sense to why he isnt able to gain any of his past lives power. Did he need them? Not really, but maybe one day he will need the power. He doesn't know what will come after him in the future, so it wouldn't hurt to have some extra power as backup.

Kenji: I guess, I have to wait and see if they'll come back to me or not.

Mezha: Hmmm, they should in time

Kenji: Mhm.

Mezha pat Kenji's back.

Mezha: Try and not think too much about it, okay?

Kenji nodded his head.

Kenji: Okay

Mezha; Well, I better get back to my job.

Kenji: Huh? Your job?

Mezha: -_- did my sister not tell you? I'm the God of Victory.

Kenji was silent and looked away whistling.

Kenji: *Whistles*

Mezha sighed.

Mezha: Well, nevermind.....Also I have something to tell you. It's another job from Tsukuyomi but you might get pissed off.

Kenji: Go on.

Mezha whispered into his ear and Kenji's eyes got covered by his hair.

Kenji: Say no more, I'll deal with it.

Kenji summoned his cloud and flies off in high speed.

Mezha: That Schnee Bastard is dead.


Kenji was seen holding his staff walking down the halls of the Schnee Dust Company surrounded by dead or beaten up Atlas Soldiers and Schnee Employees. He came here to expose the Schnee Dust Company for all the wrong they have done, all the suffering they have caused to the Faunus. Kenji wasn't having any of it, the nighmare was gonna end right here and right now. He saw Jacques' son Whitley holding a Faunus Child and had a knife near her throat.

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