Chapter 6: Time Blade and Old Enemies

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Opening Theme:

3rd person's POV

Kenji was seen on his cloud after something happened a few days ago. He wasn't sure what happened or how to describe it, although he does know that whatever it was.... it was definitely a big deal.

He felt like that time has acted for some reason after a short moment. Kenji crossed his arms, what could possibly pause time for a short moment like that? Whatever it was, it had to be very powerful if it could effect time itself.

Not many things can do that to Kenji's knowledge, so whatever did it was obviously something he has no faced before, nor heard about for this matter.

Kenji let out a small sigh.

Kenji: What could possibly pause time...

Garayann: I sense a massive power up ahead, Kenji.

Kenji: Lets hope we find out whatever it was...

He had his cloud headed towards an abandoned temple on the mountain and outside the temple was a.....

Kenji: No, way!!!

Kenji couldn't believe his eyes, it couldn't be

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Kenji couldn't believe his eyes, it couldn't be. There was no possible way that something like it should still exist.

Kenji; A Time Blade.....

Ddraig: But all the time power into one blade.....

Garayann: I thought there were supposed to be four!

Kenji: Reversal is in Lloyd and the others' possession and the other 3 were lost in time with Krux and Acronix....This one seems to have Reversal.

Armageddon: This must be from another timeline or a universe.

Kenji: One where it has the power of all four blades... making it the most dangerous

Ddraig: What do we do with it?

Garayann: We can't keep it that's for sure. Time is not to be played or messed with.

Kenji: I can't give it to the Ninja because they have one in their possession and if I throw it in a time portal, it will only go to another timeline and cause chaos, destruction, mayhem and much more.

Armageddon: And we can't let CERTAIN people get it

Kenji walked over to the time blade and was about to grab it.

???; Stop right there, Villain!

Kenji: Oh, for the love of....

He glanced to see the Ace Ops.

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