Chapter 7: The Chaos Alpha King vs The Monkey King

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3rd person's

The screen revealed a black void with the land scape glowing a little as there were one person in this void. One the other was a young man with dark brown hair, his eyes were black and surprisingly his pupils were form of a cross with the colour being gold. It was none other than-



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For fuck's sake...Seriously?! Must you break the fourth wall?!

Kenji Jin: Yes! I was having a nap until you teleported me here out of nowhere!

Why did I give you fourth wall powers?...

Kenji Jin: Duh! I'm the son of the Monkey King!

....You know what, that's a good point but try not to break the fourth wall so much.

Kenji Jin: No promises. Now, why am I here?

You're going to fight someone.

Kenji Jin: Who the hell would that be-

???: ME.

Kenji Jin: ! *smirks* Well, ain't this a sight for sore eyes

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Kenji Jin: ! *smirks* Well, ain't this a sight for sore eyes. It's been awhile, Gojira Me.

Kenjira: Heh, same to you, Monkey King.

Kenji Jin: You've changed. You look more stronger than last time.

Kenjira: Somethings happened in my world. I can tell you got stronger as well. Good.

Kenji Jin: I've been looking forward to our rematch after our last one.

Kenjira: Same here, Monkey King. You ready?

Kenji Jin: Yosh! This is gonna be fun!

Kenji Jin began to stretch his arms, leg, crack his neck and doing some warm up jumps before looking at Kenjira with a confident smirk.

Kenji Jin began to stretch his arms, leg, crack his neck and doing some warm up jumps before looking at Kenjira with a confident smirk

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