Chapter 5: Seiten Taisei vs The Demon Champion

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Opening Theme:

3rd person's POV

Time: A few days ago after Kenji killed Trihexa.

In hell......There were corpses of many demons all disfigured.

From the sight, many could guess that either a great battle or a total massacre took place. But who or what could cause such a mess? What could possibly decimate so many demonic foes?

The screen the zooms to a huge pile of dead demons and the one was sitting on top of them was the Champion of All Demons, The 2nd Strongest after Lucifer/Satan and The Right Hand Man of Lucifer/Satan, Amon.

The screen the zooms to a huge pile of dead demons and the one was sitting on top of them was the Champion of All Demons, The 2nd Strongest after Lucifer/Satan and The Right Hand Man of Lucifer/Satan, Amon

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Amon was well-known and feared Demon, his brutality was something that would give Gods who craved bloodshed a run for their money.

Amon is by no means good and would at times kill someone with little retaliation; however, he was not evil. He didn't kill for no reason and would only do so when attacked or if someone stood in his way.

So he was neither good nor evil, he was a force of nature. One that did whatever he pleased and didn't care for things that didn't peak his interest.

But over the millennia Amon had gotten bored ever since he achieved the titles.

There was no one he could fight, there was no one that would give him the frill of a challenge. He became so powerful, so vastly strong that he was... annoyed by it.


Amon sat on the bodies if the deceased Demons he just slaughtered, a annoyed expression on his face.

Amon: Tch! Ever since I obtained those stupid titles, there has been nothing to challenge me anymore!

Amon wished there was someone to give him a challenge, he just wanted a fight that didn't ended up in a completle slaughter.

???; Well, you did wanted to be the strongest Demon of All.

Amon turned to see Lucifer/Satan.

Amon turned to see Lucifer/Satan

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