Chapter 3: Jade Emperor and Rivals Fight

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Opening Theme:

3rd person's POV

Ozpin, Nezu, Michael, Ironwood and Sirzechs were seen in the Jade Emperor's palace to receive his help with a certain monkey boy.

Ozpin: Michael, are you sure the Jade Emperor will assist us?

Michael nodded his head.

Michael: Yes, the Jade Emperor was always annoyed by Sun Wukong and his carefree antics. I believe he will be more than glad to help us

They enter the throne room and saw the Emperor himself sitting on his throne.

They enter the throne room and saw the Emperor himself sitting on his throne

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Nezu: So thats him....

Sirzechs nodded his head.

Sirzechs: Indeed it is, the Jade Emperor. One of the most powerful being in all of existence


The headmasters kneeled down before the emperor.

Michael: Greetings, Jade Emperor. Forgive us for the sudden visit

Sirzech: We request for your help against a great foe of ours.

JE: Speak.

Ozpin, Nezu, and Ironwood weren't sure how they were gonna speak to such a powerful being, so they decided to let the two supernatural ones do the talking.

Michael: The son of The Monkey King has been causing trouble down on earth

Sirzechs: Since you have faced his father and our troops are clearly weak compared to him, we decided to come to you for assistance

The Jade Emperor sighed in annoyance and pinched the bridge of his nose.

JE: Never in all of my existence thought I would hear....that name again

The Jade Emperor hoped that he would have been done with The Monkey and everything connected to him, he was so happy when Buddha sealed him away all those years ago but now his soawn is causing trouble down on the mortal realm.

He actually remembers when the first time he found Wukong had children and was about to kill them but his nephew Erlang got in his way and told his uncle that they are only children and Erlang took those 4 in.

The Jade Emperor doesn't care if Wukong's children aren't like him, they are gonna be the same threat as their father was....though they were probably gonna be less annoying like the time Wukong ate all the Peaches of Immortality, ate the pills of Immortality, and drank the Heavenly wine which madebhim Immortality....again.

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