Chapter 14: Glassing Operation

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Eshas, Elysia
January 27th, 2400 / February 16th, 1639
Parpaldian Empire

Thanks to Galnet's broadcast and the order to evacuate all Muan citizens from Parpaldia many other nations thought it might be wise to do so as well. If the nation didn't it was often the people who would independently decide to leave. This was not good for Parpaldia. Whether the Terrans were going to do what they said they would or not did not matter currently. Their reputation was ruined, and the emperor was furious. 

Ludius: Could someone explain to me, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?

Elto: I'm still not quite sure what's going on either. But from what I understand This Terran Federal Republic threatened to destroy our glorious city if we did not raise their flag over it.

Ludius: Are you trying to tell me that some backwater nation threatened us and that is what is causing this problem?

Elto: That's what I thought as well until the Muan Ambassador claimed that these Terrans were more powerful than they were. He even said that they were probably more powerful than the Ravenal Empire!

Ludius: So, Mu admitted that these Terrans are better than them? Well, I suppose that gives them some Merit.  

Elto: They even said that they will destroy the city if we don't raise their flag over it. If what they say is true, we might be running out of time.

Ludius: Would they really go through with such a thing?

Elto: The Muan ambassador seems to be convinced that they will. Even if they won't do we really want to find out?

Ludius: I still have a hard time believing some that they would.

Elto: So, do you just want to wait and find out?

Ludius: I-I don't know.


Onboard the Aircraft carrier FSS Intrepid Admiral Cooper was finalizing his plan for the operation.

Cooper: So, it would appear that they will not give in that easily. What a shame.

Officer 1: Sir, could we go over the plan one more time?

Cooper: Very well. We, along with light carrier FSS Midway, Battlecruiser FSS Hood, Strike Cruiser FSS Alaska, Skrike Cruiser FSS Cleveland II, Destroyer FSS Laffey III, and Destroyer FSS Benson (You can tell by the numerals behind some of the names that the government got lazy) will all lay siege to Esthirant. During this, we will commence a glassing operation of the city as well as secure air superiority. We will first glass military installations. If the enemy does not surrender after that we will glass the noble districts. If they still don't surrender, then we glass the imperial palace. If they STILL don't surrender, then we will glass the rest of the city. Finally, if they STILL don't surrender, we will glass all of the Greater Parpaldia Area (Parpaldia proper and not land that they forcefully took from others).

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