Chapter 17: The Gra Valkas Empire

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To understand the Gra Valkas Empire we must first go back in time

November 25th, 2399

Now, there is no need to be scared. You might not know where we are but that doesn't matter, because this place we are in, for all intended purposes, does not exist.

Who am I? Well, That's complicated, but you can call me the Archivist. I'm an AI that serves the Terran Federal Republic. I hold nearly all the data that our civilization has acquired. I  understand that this may be a lot for you to take in. Anyway, I have brought you to my humble abode to tell you a bit about the Gra Valkas Empire.

Gra Valkan History

Unfortunately not much is known about Gra Valkan's history. Unlike the rest of Elysia's nations, little is known about the Gra Valkas Empire. This is not due to lack of effort or Gra Valkan Defenses preventing our agents from sneaking in. No, it is something else...

How did they get here?

Muan legends tell of a story from the ancient past, so old that it even predates our nation. Now, unlike most legends, this one might be true, despite the extreme idea it's proposing. The legend states that long ago during the nation's early days, its land mass was suddenly transported to another world. While this might seem like a fairy tale to most, it is not to Mu's people. Even our scientists don't believe it's impossible.

We have proven time and time again that it is possible to move things much larger than Continents. Gaia class Planetcrafts and Sol class interstellersystemcrafts prove this. Now, I'm not one to make hypotheses, it's not my job, I simply collect data a share it with the masses. So, I will give you the evidence I have, do with it what you may. 

The Muans have been kind enough to let us into their archives and let us see the technology they wield. Of course, we already knew most of this, because we had been spying on them for over a century but that is not the point. The only reason we are contacting them now is that we have been dealing with other things and didn't have time to. Additionally, we needed to get a firmer grip on world politics before the return of the Ravenal Empire, so we could make sure they didn't escape this time. Alright, enough ranting, back to Muans. When we use our recently created magical sensors we see that the people from Mu have little to no magical energy in them at all. Now, while this does prove evidence for this idea, it also raises the question of how magic transfers from person to person. We will answer this another time. 

There is one more piece of evidence, the information cache located within the country's border. These have only been found on earth, and they usually either contain history or blueprints. There are 50 of them, 49 are located on Earth, and the last one is located here, which is most likely no coincidence.  

But, how would these continents appear? Well, it's not that it's impossible but it's hard to know how it exactly happened. It could be a Shroud entities doing or some other entities doing. We don't know how they got here, but they are here now and that is what matters.


Gra Valkan Technology is at an interesting point. Despite being an advanced machine-age civilization they have yet to split the atom. Their theoretical physics lags behind the rest of their technology being more comparable to that of an industrial-age civilization than a machine-age one. This will most likely stunt their growth in the coming decades. However, they have early Jet fighters, similar to Nazi Germany's Me 262, and have something similar to Nazi Germany's v2. It should be noted that they have a naval variant of their Jet fighter and an extremely primitive anti-ship missile version of their missile. Another thing they seem to lack is computing technology as they seem to make increasingly larger vacuum tube computers for computational data. For comparison, Earth would have had early transistor-based computers at this time (the first transistor was invented in 1947). 

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