Part 10: Seventh Hokage

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Several years have passed. Boruto is now a 7 year old boy while Himawari is now a 5 year old girl. Naruto himself spend a lot of time with them when he's not on a mission. As for Hinata, she has retired from becoming a ninja and is now fully a housewife...

Naruto is so glad that his children don't need to endured the same childhood as him. They received all the love from their parents all this time and living in harmony as usual...

Meanwhile, Kakashi himself is already completing some of the projects that he has started a few years ago...

Shikamaru: "Seems like all the projects have been done..."

Kakashi: "Yeah..."

Shikamaru: "Nice job Rokudaime, I guess you can relax a bit now..."

Kakashi: (Looking at the village through the window) "The village has changed a lot huh..."

Shikamaru: "Yes, it's all thanks to your hard work all this time."

Kakashi: "But, I guess my time is up and it's time for him to take charge..."

Shikamaru: "Eh? That means..."

Kakashi: "Yeah... I have discussed it with the foundation a week ago and they accept it without hesitation. Tsunade-sama also agrees..."

Shikamaru: "Godaime as well huh..."

Kakashi: "Shikamaru, call Naruto here!"

Shikamaru: "Yeah!"

Naruto is just chilling with Boruto and Himawari. Playing at the garden with Hinata watching them from inside. Seeing them all playing like that it's like a dream come true for Hinata...

Naruto: "Come, show me what you got!"

Boruto: "Yeah, kage bunshin no jutsu!" (Three clones have appeared)

Naruto: "Oohhh, so you now have three clones huh?"

Boruto: "Hehe... what do you think?"

Naruto: "Not bad, usually you can only make two clones, but now you can make three..."

Boruto: "Hehehehe..."

He then remembered when at his age, let alone kage bunshin, he just sucks at everything. Boruto kind of inherit his stubbornness, but his talent is extraordinary. Keep in mind that he's not even a genin just yet...

Himawari: "Amazing, big brother..."

Boruto: "Right?"

Shikamaru: "Well, seems like you're having fun, Naruto..."

Naruto: "Huh? Shikamaru?"

Shikamaru: "Sorry kids, but can I borrow your father for a while?"

Naruto: "What is it?"

Shikamaru: "Rokudaime has called you."

Naruto: "Kakashi-sensei? Well, okay then..."

Shikamaru: "Take your time..."

Naruto: "Hinata, Kakashi-sensei has called me. Can you take care of the kids?"

Hinata: "Yes, no need to worry."

Naruto: "Right, sorry kids... I'll be back as soon as possible."

Boruto and Himawari: "Okay!"

Naruto and Shikamaru went to the Hokage's Office...

Kakashi: "So you're finally here."

Naruto: "Yeah, what is it that you want to talk about, Kakashi-sensei?"

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