Imagine; Being in a relationship with The Noise [Pizza Tower]

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The Noise/Gender-Neutral! Reader

 I always have time to write for our silly little freak (affectionate)

Noise has plenty of experience with one-off flings left and right and short-term relationships that only survive to the three-month mark

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Noise has plenty of experience with one-off flings left and right and short-term relationships that only survive to the three-month mark. He's practically a natural at it! However long-term relationships with someone he really-really-really-really likes are quite some uncharted territory for him. Of course, your boy Theodore won't just admit that so you just have to see the evidence for yourself. At first, he's definitely more of an annoying roommate than an actual boyfriend. Doesn't clean up after himself, is loud when you try to sleep/work, and worst of all steals your food without even asking. But he's willing to do better if he really cares about you, you just might have to push/remind him a little to get on with his chores, and he'll get to it then (Perhaps not without a bit of back talking).

His love language is definitely a physical touch. It's damn near impossible for him to get his hands off of his partner. Even while you two sleep, he still finds a way to worm himself next to you, arms wrapped tightly around you. However, despite this, he rejects any form of affection that is considered soft while out in public. He's got a reputation to keep up with babe! He can't throw all of that out the window!

But don't be fooled! He can be a softy at times but much like a feral cat, it takes some work (and some hissing). It's a rare sight to see him in a calm state unless you know the totally-super-secret-didn't-made-it-up-on-the-spot Noise-Chill-Out technique. It's quite a simple technique really, it's quite a surprise no one has figured it out but petting his hair of all things gets him very sleepy. In which a sleepy Noise is a cuddly Noise, never forget it. (And he purrs too! Score!)

Noise is a show-off - so naturally that rubs off onto his partner as well. He loves showing you off and brags about your skills for you, exaggerating them only a tiny bit. ("Yeah, my partner just painted the Sistine Chapels, no big deal." "Theo please-"). He always has a hand somewhere on you to as he doe so as well, just his sly way of saying that you're his. And forbid it if anyone talks smack towards you - they'll receive a beating so hard it'll make them come running back home to ma!

[Deviating a bit but just so you know, if you're trying out a new outfit - any outfit, a dress/suit, hell even something casual that shows a bit of skin, Noise is pulling out the whole heart-eyes, tongue rolling shebang!]

Still, despite his flaunting of you, he still gets horribly jealous. And by god is he horrible at hiding it too. You could be talking to anyone - a old friend, coworker, hell some stranger - and suddenly here comes your man, walking up behind you and pulling you in close by your waist - and oh man, if he's really jealous - will give you the smooch–st kiss imaginable before loudly announcing you as his partner. Worst part: He won't ever admit he was jealous in the first place. What an guy can't just kiss his partner? Man is he the worst at times.

Goes over the top with dates (Fireworks, canons, vandalism - the whole deal!), and it's not a good date in his book if at least one person is not in critical condition (Your positive he has more counts of vehicular manslaughter from your dates then whatever illegal shit he committed in the Tower) ... yeah might be best if you plan dates instead (and for the all the innocent pedestrians walk to your designated date.).

610 Words

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610 Words

Usually, I don't care about this sort of thing but right now on Wattpad, I am currently ranked 69 in the Pizza Tower tag which is truly the greatest honor I have ever been given. 

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