Chapter One: Spirit Week

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Millwood, Pennsylvania

December 31st, 1999

Maxine Diaz danced with her five friends, having the time of her life. She had set her empty cup down and smiled without a care in the world. That was until she had heard a familiar voice call out. "Help me! Please." She turned and had noticed Angela Waters walking over to her friend, Sidney Haworthe. "Sidney! Sidney, please, look at me. Please, I'm begging you." Angela cried and begged. Maxine walked over to the two and Sidney turned to the Diaz girl and was about to speak before Maxine had looked to Angela. "Max, please!"

Maxine looked to Davie, who shook her head with a glare as she saw the look on the Diaz girl's face. Maxine knew she would get shit about it from Davie. She knew the Adams girl would be pissed if she talked or even looked at Angela. Max had motioned over to the girl on the floor and Davie mouthed 'no' over to the girl causing the Diaz girl to roll her eyes.

Davie walked over and grabbed the Diaz girl's hand and pulled her with her as she went to walk back over to their other friends while she looked back at Sidney as she spoke. "Come on, Sid."

"Davie, she looks shaken up." Maxine pointed out as she look over to Angela who was still begging for the Haworthe girl to look at her.

Max usually wasn't one to care all that much. But there was just something about the way that the Waters girl looked and how hard and seriously she was begging. It seemed really urgent. Like she genuinely needed help. And she wanted the help of her supposed 'friends.'

Davie rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Max, what did I say?" She questioned as she raised an eyebrow at the girl. The Diaz girl was about to speak before someone else did.

"Davie, maybe we should--" Sidney started but was cut off by Davie as she spoke close to the Haworthe girls ear, where only the three could hear.

"We talked about this." Davie then dragged the two girls back over to dance with the rest of their friends, but not before Maxine had looked back at Angela with a guilty look. Davie grabbed Maxine's face, turning her back to face her with a smile as she began dancing with the girl. Maxine gave in and let Davie guide her hands as they danced together with their group of girls. The two danced close together, unlike the rest of the girls, who danced separately but were next to one another.

"Okay, party people! Grab those beers and steer because the time is now!" The DJ announced as Davie had danced on Maxine, pressing her back against the Diaz girl's front. Maxine let the alcohol in her system take over as she ran her hands over her body as she felt like she was in her own world before she had grabbed Davie's hand and twirled her, making the Adam's girl come face-to-face with the slightly taller girl. They smiled at one another as there was only inches between them. Davie smirked at the look in Maxine's eyes before turning back around and dancing on her own as Maxine went to dance with the rest of the girls.

The group of teenage girls all smiling as she joined them in dancing as she grabbed another cup and downed it before tossing the cup back, hitting somebody in the head and falling to the floor with a crunch when someone stepped on it. The girls laughing as the Diaz girl shrugged not caring that she hit someone with her cup. Maxine was more of the bad girl of the group. She didn't care.

"20, 19, 18..." The DJ had began to count down as the group of six girls began to shout it with him along with everyone else. "17, 16, 15... 14, 13, 12..." At this point everyone had stopped counting and was looking and pointing up at something. Maxine furrowed her eyebrows before following everyone's eyesight and once she looked up, she found what everyone was looking at.

It was Angela.

"Dude-" Maxine had started as she looked towards Davie. She then looked at the rest of the girls to make sure they were all seeing the same thing. "You guys-"

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