Chapter Five: The Night He Came Home

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Halloween, 1999

A couple of the girls were smashing pumpkins with a bat while the others were standing around, talking and laughing, just messing around with each other.

Davie Adams went up to Angela Waters with a rolled up paper bag, handing it off to her before turning back around to stand next to the back end of the car.

"Whatever you do, don't-" Maxine went to warn the girl but she had already done it. She sighed and shook her head, hopping out of the car after grabbing her phone and getting her drink out, closing the other door behind her.

Angela brought the bag up to her nose and sniffed it, "Ugh, it smells. What's in it?" She had wondered as the other were laughing at her actions.

"Dog shit, of course." Davie informed, one arm leaning against the spare tire that was covered. "You're gonna throw it against that door." She pointed a finger at the specific door at a house that they were parked in front of on the street.

Her arm coming back down and swinging a bit due to the force she had used.

Maxine came around to the back of the car, wrapping an arm around Davie's waist, causing the Adams girl to look up at her and smile, seeing Maxine in her vampire costume with the red lipstick on her lips and the fake blood dripping down the corners of her mouth, watching as Max drank some of her bottle before offering some up to her.

Davie shook her head with a smile and Max shrugged before taking another drink and closing it and then putting it in the car by where she stood, holding herself up with her hand against it. Max's other hand resting on her own hip.

The Adams girl reached back and grabbed Max's wrist, bringing her other arm around to also be placed around her waist. Max let Davie do what she wanted, the shorter girl holding onto Max's arms that were now both secretly wrapped around her as Maxine was now moved to stand behind Davie instead of beside her like she previously was.

"It's part of our... initiation." Sidney told Angela.

Max glanced down at the floor momentarily, not liking what they were going to do all because Davie came up with it. The plan wasn't her idea, but because it was the Adams girl, she had to.

"What if they see me?"

"Oh, don't you worry." Davie tapped Maxine's arms that were still holding her, smacking her a little harder when she wasn't paying attention. "We got you."

She moved to grab something out the trunk and when she returned, she held up what she had, walking back up to Angela to give it to her.

"I don't want to do it guys."

Maxine placed her arm around Davie's neck, her hand hanging off her shoulder. The Adams girl reached for the keys and held them up for Max to see, shaking them in front of her face slightly, making Max grab them from her fingertips where she had them hanging from one single finger.

Sidney pressed. "Come on."

"And then we'll go to Pinball Pizza for garlic knots."

"Come on." Marjorie pushed, exchanging a look with Davie, causing Maxine to stare off at the side.

The girl's started laughing again.

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